palo1973 napísal:nie ze by ma to az tak zaujimalo toto meranie si vtakov,napriek tomu by som si to okrajovo precital,avsak celkom zaujimave ze ked niekto vyhlasi challanege,ziska supera a potom bez akehokolvek verejneho vysvetlenia sa to nekona....divne no...
___Mortylen___ napísal:Chcel PR > ziskat zmluvu > Richie Rich
Po black friday sponzorstva isli ta tam a to len Kellerman je taky gambler, ze si kludne zahra session z najlepsimi HU specialistami na svete
Ak by LastNail challenge prijal, nic tym neziska a hanba a trapas je tiez PR.
@my Svk HU challenge: for anyone who was following that: my statement for now is (i might delete this soon, coz i am not entirely sure how much i can speak abt these things openly now): i am in a waiting period, backed off. I contacted w Kellerman on skype, he didt reply to my genuine inquiry whether he thinks its safe enough to do it right now or wait due to Svk/Cze laws restricting online poker soon. I was very sceptical tbh, that given how all the news abt "internet hazard has to be banned / properly taxed" now will influence me. I am still unsure a lot, but from the recent findings I am suspecting problems in the future less than formerly anticipated. I am open to discussion, however I still require solid reasoning from sb who understands the laws full well abt there not being a chance me being chased down by police or a tax office after the challenge is finished.
The whole thing has been of very little interest in public overall and after Black Friday and eventual shutdown of FTP i wanted to abandon the challenge totally since there was/is no real promise i can ever extend it to Czech Rep now, which was always my longerterm milestone, since both of the highstakes cg plrs who might have been interested playing me were FTP pros.
I will play the challenge if i am guaranteed to be safe while/after doing this. If i dont, I only play after i change my residency and have all the correspondent legal issues solved.
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