REMov HUSNG blog

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Re: REMov HUSNG blog

Odoslaťod bobulo 14 Aug 2012 11:27

Chlapce ty by si sa mohol nad sebou zamysliet co o mne napises, niekolko hracov som dokazal posunut, ale vyzera to tak, ze s tebou ma problem kazdy coach. By si si mal uvedomit akych ludi clovek ako ty uraza. Ludia si mozu spravit vlastny nazor na zaklade toho co pises na inom fore:

1. Thank you bernard!!I feel my game is great now!!You know how to create from winning player a loosing player...Pretty quickly only 2 sessions!Paying for coaching and then results like this its like burning money two times faster!

2. Bernard sorry it was really "OLE tilt" as RJRJ said..This is one of the worst downswing what I ever had in term of red line and it happened right after our coaching and probably its really only variance.I have no experience with things like this..Also its possible I missused some new information..And I really get a lot of new informations from you..Time to time I am on tilt like this and then I feel bad about myself next day...If it would be possible I would take every word back now and give it little more time-games.Because now not you looks as bad coach but me as an idiot..


Really dont understand why you wrote here about me bailed out of and didnt mentioned you was in Jamaica (you told me about that vacation before our deal)and then u had a personal issues (what I feel sorry about that).However I was waiting more then one month..I sent you money 13.6.2012 and 17.7.2012 you wrote to me about your personal issues.22.7.2012 you was ready for booking a session.At that time I find bernardc.Also you didnt mentioned that while u had a personal issues u was tilting hard in chat at 15s dollars buy-ins.I understand it happen to even good coach-player if he have a trouble..But you must understand that people want to bailed out coaching from him.. So I decided I want rather coaching from bernardc..Only problem was you already sent me some hand history..But you took a fee for that what is fair...But I dont get why you started talking about our personal things here.Discretion should be a basic rule of bussines..
I payed the money so I have the right to post feedback good or bad!I am looking as an idiot after posting graph and volume like that?Yeah but its my problem and my fault.

You was tilting at 15s and you had a personal issues..I decided for other coach..I hope you got a point.You took your fee for HHs..I didnt share this HHs with other people as I promised you.
So whats your problem?Who you are that you are talking to me what I can do and what I cant?
I was on tilt yesterday and I posted stupid post..Not stupid because it was a negative feedback (I hope negative feedback is also allowed) but because lol volume so there was no reason for that also form of my post was stupid.

"You can throw your mouse or even your laptop across the room but you don't blame other for your screw-ups or bad luck or whatever you want to call it"
So if student is succesfull after coaching than its a merit of coach but if student is unsuccessfull then its only students fault? This is your creed RJRJ?
Príspevky: 1
Založený: Nov 2007
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Re: REMov HUSNG blog

Odoslaťod REM 13 Apr 2014 15:27

Ak by to niekoho zaujimalo tak postnem nejake fotky z Bali.Upload je tu docela na prd tak asi po jednej :oops:
DSC_0409.JPG (411.96 ) Zobrazená 3128 krát
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Založený: Apr 2009
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/15 krát
Karma: 2

Re: REMov HUSNG blog

Odoslaťod REM 13 Apr 2014 15:32

DSC_0430.JPG (363.16 ) Zobrazená 3145 krát

DSC_0324.JPG (465.58 ) Zobrazená 3140 krát
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Založený: Apr 2009
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Re: REMov HUSNG blog

Odoslaťod REM 13 Apr 2014 15:35

DSC_0248.JPG (321.68 ) Zobrazená 3168 krát

DSC_0458.JPG (158.08 ) Zobrazená 3148 krát
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Príspevky: 126
Založený: Apr 2009
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/15 krát
Karma: 2

Re: REMov HUSNG blog

Odoslaťod REM 13 Apr 2014 15:39

DSC_0072.JPG (239.88 ) Zobrazená 3145 krát

DSC_0201.JPG (159.33 ) Zobrazená 3115 krát

Za tento príspevok od REM poďakovali :
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 126
Založený: Apr 2009
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/15 krát
Karma: 2

Re: REMov HUSNG blog

Odoslaťod Lucky566 24 Apr 2014 12:57

cool pics.

Hrávaš ešte hu hypers ?
Príspevky: 154
Založený: Jan 2011
Poďakoval/li: 21 krát/5 krát
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