5000vpp , 180k hands + 600 spin&goes
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Quality C-bettors:
A person is a quality C-bettor if he has a small gap between his flop c-bet% and turn c-bet%. In general, these players have a flop c-bet between 55% and 65% and a turn c-bet% between 40 and 50% (turn c-bet%s at the top of this range are very rare; most quality c-bettors are in the mid40s). These stats result from the quality c-bettor evaluating every situation to decide whether to c-bet; the quality c-bettor needs a good hand, a good board or a good situation to fire a c-bet.
If you are a quality c-bettor, your stats will look like this:
Filter in HEM: PFR=true, Flop C-Bet made = true.
Depending on how proficient you are, you will see a win rate of about 250bb/100 to 450bb/100.
Add the filter C-bet turn = True. Your win rate should increase to about 400bb/100 to about 600bb/100.
If your stats look like this, you are firmly in the “quality,” camp.
Quantity Players:
Quantity players are playing the probabilities, not their hand strength. They know that an average flop c-bet success rate is around 48% and that a 2/3 of the pot-sized c-bet only needs to work about 40% of the time to show a profit. Thus, quantity players just fire c-bets the vast majority of the time and rely on the other guy's folds to make him a profit. Quantity players don't worry too much about whether this is a good or bad c-bet spot; they tend to bet all but the worst situations.
You will know that you are a quantity player if you have a flop c-bet stat up over 70% and a turn c-bet that is very low—in the neighborhood of 30-40%. Your win rate when you filter for PFR = True, Flop C-bet made = True will be significantly lower than the quality player's—it will be in the 70-200bb/100 range depending on a variety of factors, including your skill. If you add the filter, Saw Turn = True and your win rate goes negative, Congratulations! You are a true small ball flop LAg.
If you are a quantity player, the main place you should look for your red line losses is PFR = True, Flop C-bet Made = True, Saw Turn = True and Turn C-bet made = False.
This spot is negative for almost everybody, of course; the key here for quantity players is the number of hands that show up in this spot. All of those -7bb losses you'll see there are hands on which you could either have lost 3.5bb (by not c-betting the worst flops) or won the hand by adding in some double barrels.
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