Koniec iPoker dealov?

Diskusia o online pokrových herniach a ich akciách

Koniec iPoker dealov?

Odoslaťod josipjs 02 Jan 2010 20:28

browseoval som jedno forum po navrate domov a narazil som na toto

o, I received this e-mail from an iPoker skin where I have an account. Luckily I don't play there anymore. I'll refer to this skin as "skin"

"Dear Felipe,

If you are not already aware iPoker will be implementing a new policy in the New Year which will categorise players depending upon certain criteria. The new policy will also impose penalties upon card rooms that in essence, have a high proportion of winning players in relation to losing players.

Regrettably therefore, we are being forced to restrict a number of accounts in order to comply with the new policy and to avoid penalisation by iPoker and it grieves me to inform you that we have no option for the time being other than to restrict the cash game stakes at which you can play on "skin".

We sincerely regret having to take this action and hope that the policy will change in the future so that you may once again enjoy playing cash games at "skin". In the meantime, please accept our apologies for any inconvenience that this action will cause but know that you can still play in our tournaments and on any other of the "skin" suite of products."

So, they're banning winning players? Is there any way in which this makes sense? It's not like they lose money to winning players.
Anybody else received a similar e-mail from any iPoker skin?

Vyzera to na koniec iPoker dealov so skinmy co ma dost mrzi pretoze som chel o dva ci tri mesiace jeden deal vyuzit a dost by to pomohlo a dost ma to mrzi
pretosa chem spytat ci to bude uplny koniec dobrych rakeback dealov , ci vam ostane deal co ste mali doteraz a ci bude mozne zohant odbry deal dakym sposobom ak by ste boli napr fakt HighVolume player

PS pre info ak by dakdo cehl tak mozem postnut aj odpoved preco to robia :D viacmenej su tam odpovede na moje otazky ale Co ak nahodu stale bude moznost vybavit si deal
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Poďakoval/li: 34 krát/3 krát
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Re: Koniec iPoker dealov?

Odoslaťod pakroc 02 Jan 2010 22:25

aj ja som o tom tiez nieco cital, ta spominana herna je podla vsetkeho Victor Chandler, ponukaju dobre dealy preto tam je vela dobrych regov a maju strasny nepomer medzi winning/loosing players a tim padom "parazituju" na ipokri, preto tieto obmedzenia, je to tak? :)
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Re: Koniec iPoker dealov?

Odoslaťod josipjs 02 Jan 2010 23:00

jj, zatial som pocul len o VC ze posielaju emaily ale takychto parazitujucich herni je viac a rucite bude viac ehrni posielat taketo emaily alebo aspon podobne
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 544
Založený: Jún 2008
Poďakoval/li: 34 krát/3 krát
Karma: -8

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