Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

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Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod hegides 01 Apr 2011 18:18

.pri 7castlovi vam chyba chipcount ;)

a ten Jozef Bartalos je new doxxbet pro? :lol2:
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Príspevky: 838
Založený: Mar 2008
Poďakoval/li: 151 krát/108 krát
Karma: 14

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod haman 01 Apr 2011 18:20

Yesterday’s chip leader Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier has 265,000. He is sat directly opposite Martin Jacobson who has just under 100,000. Also on the table with a stack to fear is Marke Blazko with 185,500. The three of them just got involved in a very intriguing hand without any cards even being shown.

Jacobson raised under the gun when he made it 2,500 to play. Blazko called in middle position before ElkY applied the squeeze from the button when he made it 7,700 to play. The table knew something big was going to happen and the atmosphere changed immediately. Jacobson counted out a raise and made it 19,100 to play. ElkY raised an eyebrow but Blazko just stared ahead intently. In the end Blazko five-bet to 27,500. This made ElkY raise two eyebrows before eventual surrendering what we can only assume was an extremely strong hand. Jacobson folded not so long after and Blazko took the chips without showing a card.

wow. konecne niekto vycvicil ElkYho.

Za tento príspevok od haman poďakovali :
Príspevky: 2068
Založený: Apr 2010
Poďakoval/li: 853 krát/189 krát
Karma: 25

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod pakroc 01 Apr 2011 18:23

Zoli, zase tie kone :bad: nabuduse fold preflop :)
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 148
Založený: Nov 2008
Poďakoval/li: 9 krát/5 krát
Karma: -2

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod Ceasears 01 Apr 2011 18:36

haman napísal:
Yesterday’s chip leader Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier has 265,000. He is sat directly opposite Martin Jacobson who has just under 100,000. Also on the table with a stack to fear is Marke Blazko with 185,500. The three of them just got involved in a very intriguing hand without any cards even being shown.

Jacobson raised under the gun when he made it 2,500 to play. Blazko called in middle position before ElkY applied the squeeze from the button when he made it 7,700 to play. The table knew something big was going to happen and the atmosphere changed immediately. Jacobson counted out a raise and made it 19,100 to play. ElkY raised an eyebrow but Blazko just stared ahead intently. In the end Blazko five-bet to 27,500. This made ElkY raise two eyebrows before eventual surrendering what we can only assume was an extremely strong hand. Jacobson folded not so long after and Blazko took the chips without showing a card.

wow. konecne niekto vycvicil ElkYho.

Skoda,ze takyto report nevieme este na SVK spravit,ale hadam za par rockov :good:
A zandar je naozaj pan 8-)
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 323
Založený: Dec 2009
Poďakoval/li: 39 krát/52 krát
Karma: -1

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod tomas.ziak 01 Apr 2011 18:41

Ceasears napísal:
haman napísal:
Yesterday’s chip leader Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier has 265,000. He is sat directly opposite Martin Jacobson who has just under 100,000. Also on the table with a stack to fear is Marke Blazko with 185,500. The three of them just got involved in a very intriguing hand without any cards even being shown.

Jacobson raised under the gun when he made it 2,500 to play. Blazko called in middle position before ElkY applied the squeeze from the button when he made it 7,700 to play. The table knew something big was going to happen and the atmosphere changed immediately. Jacobson counted out a raise and made it 19,100 to play. ElkY raised an eyebrow but Blazko just stared ahead intently. In the end Blazko five-bet to 27,500. This made ElkY raise two eyebrows before eventual surrendering what we can only assume was an extremely strong hand. Jacobson folded not so long after and Blazko took the chips without showing a card.

wow. konecne niekto vycvicil ElkYho.

Skoda,ze takyto report nevieme este na SVK spravit,ale hadam za par rockov :good:
A zandar je naozaj pan 8-)

Vedeli by sme, keby nás tu bolo päť a nie dvaja.
Príspevky: 69
Založený: Nov 2010
Poďakoval/li: 2 krát/7 krát
Karma: 0

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod haman 01 Apr 2011 18:45

Blasko vyhral AK (TPTK) proti river allin bluff. Blasko now has ~ 318,500. Chiplead?
Príspevky: 2068
Založený: Apr 2010
Poďakoval/li: 853 krát/189 krát
Karma: 25

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod hegides 01 Apr 2011 18:48

.kde to sledujes haman?
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 838
Založený: Mar 2008
Poďakoval/li: 151 krát/108 krát
Karma: 14

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod 5oK 01 Apr 2011 18:55

Za tento príspevok od 5oK poďakovali - 2:
haman, Zeltzn
Príspevky: 11
Založený: Dec 2009
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/5 krát
Karma: 0

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod emaestro 01 Apr 2011 19:10

Vinkyyho stacksize pls ?
Príspevky: 4
Založený: Dec 2009
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

Re: Live reporting - WPT Slovakia (Day 2)

Odoslaťod D21 01 Apr 2011 19:18


Bol by som rád ak by turnaj vyhral "Elky" ... bola by to skvelá reklama tohto turnaja pre budúce roky!

samozrejme ako patriot fandím aj našim!

good luck!
Príspevky: 144
Založený: Mar 2010
Poďakoval/li: 9 krát/5 krát
Karma: 0


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