DevilMayCry napísal:"I never saw a poker player's money that I did not like"
"Nikdy som nevidel peniaze pokroveho hraca, ktore by sa mi nepacili"
Vdaka, takto si to predstavujem...
DevilMayCry napísal:"I never saw a poker player's money that I did not like"
"Nikdy som nevidel peniaze pokroveho hraca, ktore by sa mi nepacili"
JimWalker napísal:DevilMayCry napísal:"I never saw a poker player's money that I did not like"
"Nikdy som nevidel peniaze pokroveho hraca, ktore by sa mi nepacili"
Vdaka, takto si to predstavujem...
DevilMayCry napísal:"Play life with your heart; play poker with your brain."
Svoj zivot hraj so srdcom, poker s rozumom.
"Playing poker for fun, with no money involved, is like playing tennis with the net down."
Hrat poker zo srandy, bez penazi, je to iste ako hrat tenis bez siete (alebo so sietou dole).
mr_kaktus napísal:
"If you cant spot a sucker in your first half an hour at the table, then you are the sucker"
Pokial za pol hodiny neuvidis blbca pri stole, si tym blbcom ty.
3flash3 napísal:
"Money won is twice as sweet as money earned." - Paul Newman
Vyhrane peniaze su dvakrat sladsie ako zarobene.
mino_o napísal:"You call, it's gonna be all over baby!"
Ak dorovnas, bude vsetkemu koniec, bejby!
Riddlah napísal:
Aces are larger than life and greater than mountains.
Esa su vacsie ako zivot a vasie/mohutnejsie ako hory.
Mike Caro
DevilMayCry napísal:
"Poker is 100% skill and 50% luck."
Poker je 100% o skusenostiach/sikovnosti/zrucnosti/schopnosti a o 50% stastia. (tazko prelozit skill)
by Phil Hellmuth
HypAA napísal:"I think NLHE is much harder, PLO is just push the money and lets see what happen"
Myslim si, ze No limit je ovela tazsi ako Omaha, pretoze v Omahe iba vlozite peniaze do potu a cakate, co sa stane.
Ilari "Zigmund" Sahamies
___Mortylen___ napísal:"If poker is a war then no limit holdem is a nuclear war" (unknown)
Pokial je poker vojna, tak No Limit je nuklearna vojna.
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