Online zaujímavosti: Alex Wice dosiahol VIP `Supernova` za 3

Diskusia k herni P****Stars

Re: Online zaujímavosti: Alex Wice dosiahol VIP `Supernova` za 3

Odoslaťod amaterik 06 Jan 2013 16:11

hegides napísal:.keby ste si precitali ten link co som postol, tak by tu mozno nebola taka dementna diskusia - wnt a aj by si vedel s akym BR na to ide - amaterik ;)

Sorry, ale nemam taku english na to, aby som to zvladol cele zmaknut :) z toho co som pochopil neviem ci zacinal s 3K alebo so 65K. "When I started Jan 1st, I started with $3k online and a dream" ci "To prepare for downswings psychologically, I have started with $65k in my account, which hopefully is enough." - neni to tam exaktne napisane, ci som to len exaktne z toho nevycital.
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Re: Online zaujímavosti: Alex Wice dosiahol VIP `Supernova` za 3

Odoslaťod hegides 06 Jan 2013 16:18

amaterik napísal:
hegides napísal:.keby ste si precitali ten link co som postol, tak by tu mozno nebola taka dementna diskusia - wnt a aj by si vedel s akym BR na to ide - amaterik ;)

Sorry, ale nemam taku english na to, aby som to zvladol cele zmaknut :) z toho co som pochopil neviem ci zacinal s 3K alebo so 65K. "When I started Jan 1st, I started with $3k online and a dream" ci "To prepare for downswings psychologically, I have started with $65k in my account, which hopefully is enough." - neni to tam exaktne napisane, ci som to len exaktne z toho nevycital.

.np, s 3k zacinal, ked zacinal s pokrom, a tento rok tu challenge zacal s 65k ;)
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Re: Online zaujímavosti: Alex Wice dosiahol VIP `Supernova` za 3

Odoslaťod cercerBTSSK 06 Jan 2013 17:02

fyi, pre zaujimavost

At the time I won SN, I was up 15k pre rb. (But I disconnected due to PS software at 98k vpp, hope they are nice and I get a refund) Since that day I had decided to take it slow and 16 table.

Unfortunately that did not work. Since January 2nd I downswung about 50k pre-rb. I do not wish to talk about swings because it is already stressful to play when losing and they are a natural occurrence. I still have plenty of money to play and that's what I intend to do.

Both you and MouldyOnions should know this: Wice is a guy who sets his mind to something and does it. The money means less than the accomplishment itself. When I first met the guy, we were at the P****Stars Caribbean Adventure. P****Stars had hosted a contest that featured ten hard math questions from math wizard Bill Chen. Wice won the contest with seemingly little effort.

Za tento príspevok od cercerBTSSK poďakovali :
Príspevky: 589
Založený: Dec 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/22 krát
Karma: 0


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