- Kód: Vybrať všetko
As a VIP customer you have the possibility to open a second account in a different currency.If you wish to do so please follow the procedure:
1. go to www.moneybookers.com
2. use a new e-mail address (never used in Moneybookers system before) and open a new account
3. please ignore the pop-up saying "you already hold an account", click to confirm it is the only account
4. please send me an e-mail with old and new account details and I will link the accounts, give them the same privileges. You will be able to add the same credit cards and bank accounts to all linked accounts.
POZOR! Je NUTNE byt VIP na moneybookers a tak isto je nutne im predtym napisat mail, inak vam mozu zablokovat MB konto!