Zablokovanie konta

Diskusia k herni Wi****m hill Poker

Zablokovanie konta

Odoslaťod widish 23 Nov 2010 14:42

Vcera som sa regol, depozitol,odohral par turnajov a dnes rano BLOCK :x :wall:

Bez nejakeho upozornenia ,tak som im napisal mail co sa deje a oni mi docasne blokli konto - bez priciny.
will hill napísal:We would like to inform you that your poker account has been temporarily
closed due to pending security checks. In order to reopen your account, our
Security Department would need the following documents:

* Valid photo ID such as driver’s license, national ID or passport. Please
ensure that the following details are clearly shown: full name, date of birth,
signature, validity period or expiration date and ID photo.

* Valid proof of address showing the following details: full name, billing
address, issue date, logo of the issuing company/authority with valid contact
information. Please note that it should be issued within the past six (6)
months. We accept utility bills or bank statements.

* Front and (signed) back copies of your credit card ending in numbers 1703.
You have to cover the middle eight (8) digits of your credit card number in
the front and the CVV2 or the last 3 digits at back of your credit card.
Please be reminded that you have to affix your signature in the "signature

Chces nechces som im to poslal nech nerobia problemy, v tom mi prisiel dalsi mail, ze oni potrebuju sfotenu kopiu spominanych dokladov. Nechapem o co im ide, kopiu obcanky ci karty som posielal kdekade ale ze by odomna ziadali po zaslani oscenovanych dokumentov este raz tie iste ofotene , tak to som este nezral :bad:

Ak mozem odporucit,tak od tejto herne rychlo prsty prec.. Som zvedavy (ak budem vyberat) ci ma vyplatia a ci mi vobec odblokuju account.
Príspevky: 52
Založený: Nov 2007
Poďakoval/li: 3 krát/1 krát
Karma: 0

Re: Wi****m hill Poker

Odoslaťod widish 24 Nov 2010 13:43

Nakoniec mi ucet odblokovali.

Nebolo to vsak okamzite, ale trvalo to den a nieco - najprv ked som im vsetko poslal,tak mi napisali nech im to poslem ofotene a nie oscanovane. ked som im to poslal ofotene tak sa im zdala zla kvalita -ale oni oscanovane dokumenty neuznaju iba odfotene :lol2: takze este raz fotit a ucet mam odblokovany asi po 6 mailoch a 2 dnoch. dakujem pekne za take hranie :wall:
Príspevky: 52
Založený: Nov 2007
Poďakoval/li: 3 krát/1 krát
Karma: 0

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