Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

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Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod DevilMayCry 11 Júl 2011 20:54

funny story z dnesneho day 2a

Wrong Seat, Sir

Our attention was just drawn over to a situation unfolding at the corner table, Orange 303. Darrell Roberts had won a pot in the four seat, but he had a bit of a problem on his hands. Peter Hotaling came up to the table and announced to Roberts that he was in his seat -- just as he was pulling in a pot of about 8,000 chips. The pink slips were double-checked, and indeed Roberts was in the wrong. His 308-4 looked an awful lot like 303-4, and neither he nor the dealer caught the mistake until it was too late.

It took a couple members of the floor staff and a long conversation to sort out the situation, and it was eventually big Bill Bruce who handled the matter directly. He put the entire pot into a rack, then he reconstructed Hotaling's starting stack by pulling 4,000 chips from the pot to bring him back to 34,650. The rest of the racked chips were handed over to Roberts, and he was sent on his way to the correct seat with his winnings.

That correct seat, incidentally, happens to be on the Main Featured Table with Daniel Negreanu.
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 2111
Založený: Aug 2007
Poďakoval/li: 59 krát/107 krát
Karma: 10

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod DevilMayCry 11 Júl 2011 22:51

loooool, este jedna epic story z dnesneho dna

Hellmuth's Confusion Costs Him

Although Phil Hellmuth is known for making late entrances here at the WSOP, we imagined he'd show up right on time to try to grind up his small stack of 11,800. As the first level of play today was ticking down Hellmuth's seat remained surprisingly vacant. We did a little investigating on Twitter and found these posts by Mike Matusow:

"@phil_hellmuth is such a idiot hes getting blinded off has 5k left has his phoneoff and a do not disturb on his phone at hotel" and "sorry @phil_hellmuth that your wsop comes to a end this way i even got them to ring inside your room with a do not disturb on it" (post edited for spelling)

Hellmuth then tweeted not long later, "Security broke into my room, I'm like, 'What's going on?!?' SGuard says, 'You're playing in the World Series of Poker today.'" followed by "I jump out of bed, dress, and run down to my car. Didn't know you could drive 75 on side roads!! I Thought I played Day 2 Tuesday..."

Matusow somehow was able to convince the security guards at Hellmuth's hotel to break into his room to save him from completely blinding out of the tournament. Hellmuth arrived right as the first level of play was ending and his stack, which has been blinding down for the past two hours is already down to 7,675. He'll obviously have a lot of work to do if he wants to make it to Day 3.
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 2111
Založený: Aug 2007
Poďakoval/li: 59 krát/107 krát
Karma: 10

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod palo1973 12 Júl 2011 01:25

akurat kukam,ze ti dementi ma dali pod rakusku vlajku,ak postupim dalej do ITm tak to napravim,btw da sa niekde zistit seating na den 2b?lebo ja mam listok so stolom,je to cislo 319,seat 9,a ak sa da pls pm me link,dik
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 5199
Založený: Máj 2008
Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
Karma: 27

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod palo1973 12 Júl 2011 02:43

1990 Yusuf Celik Bursa, , TC 13,800 Amazon / 319 / 1
1991 Daniel Layton Delta, BC, CA 26,450 Amazon / 319 / 2
1992 Tad Jurgens LONG BEACH, CA, US 58,875 Amazon / 319 / 3
1993 Tuan Phan Tucson, AZ, US 20,050 Amazon / 319 / 4
1994 Spilios Venetsanopoulos HINSDALE, IL, US 49,100 Amazon / 319 / 5
1995 Sargis Sargsian LAS VEGAS, NV, US 50,225 Amazon / 319 / 6
1996 Glenn Mccaffrey LONDONDERRY, NH, US 37,475 Amazon / 319 / 7
1997 Andrew Lichtenberger LAS VEGAS, NY, US 85,450 Amazon / 319 / 8
1998 Pavel Chalupka Vienna, , AT 39,425 Amazon / 319 /
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 5199
Založený: Máj 2008
Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
Karma: 27

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod Ivo 12 Júl 2011 06:54

Príspevky: 420
Založený: Feb 2009
Poďakoval/li: 18 krát/11 krát
Karma: 2

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod lacored 12 Júl 2011 07:29

Palo, GL, drzim ti palce najviac... nastastie mas poziciu na Lichtenbergera, nanho bude treba davat pozor... este raz :gl:
Príspevky: 175
Založený: Jan 2010
Poďakoval/li: 87 krát/43 krát
Karma: 8

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod janobendik 12 Júl 2011 08:52

Brutálne aktuálny pokrovy portal!!!!!!!!
Majitelia by radšej mali zvážiť podnikanie v inej oblasti! Čo tak pestovanie zemiakov? :evil:
Príspevky: 362
Založený: Feb 2009
Poďakoval/li: 2 krát/46 krát
Karma: -2

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod cercerBTSSK 12 Júl 2011 09:04

no...patrilo by sa hodit nejake updaty veru...

toto je ale aka sila a nahoda - vyhrat naramok a skoro 800 K s royal flushom....posledne skonceny event WSOP
Príspevky: 589
Založený: Dec 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/22 krát
Karma: 0

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 12 Júl 2011 09:05

ja mám po celú dobu otvorené tam je live report
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1480
Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Začal sa Main Event na WSOP 2011!

Odoslaťod cercerBTSSK 12 Júl 2011 09:06

DevilMayCry napísal:loooool, este jedna epic story z dnesneho dna

Hellmuth's Confusion Costs Him.

no to je fakt dobre...

no Hellmuth sa zasa vytiahol a..

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Short-Stacked Hellmuth
The action folded around to the player on the button who moved his last 17,600 into the middle before Phil Hellmuth snap-called from the big blind. The all-in player showed , but found himself trailing Hellmuth's .

Both players made two pair after the dealer spread the board of , but Hellmuth had the player outkicked, thus the button was kicked out of the Main Event. There's no doubt that he is fighting back hard and it's paying off - the 11-time WSOP bracelet is now up to 55,000!
Príspevky: 589
Založený: Dec 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/22 krát
Karma: 0


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