APminer napísal::apminer2:
zaslouzil si vyhrat
i tak velka GRATULACE
ani ne , viac si zasluzil vyhrat HU nemec ... drzal som sice palce pepikovi, ale nemec hral agresivnejsie.
APminer napísal::apminer2:
zaslouzil si vyhrat
i tak velka GRATULACE
sudden napísal:aky ma vyznam riesit ci si to jeden z nich zasluzil vyhrat viac ako ten druhyfakt zaujimavy HU teraz som to dopozeral, zaujimalo by ma ci tam niekde pocas FT prebehol nejaky deal, napr. v last 3 alebo v HU, neviem ci som jediny, ale zda sa mi dost nezmyselne hrat HU o 3.5 mega dolarov
Level 43: 1,200,000-2,400,000, 300,000 ante
Martin Staszko limped in from the button, and Pius Heinz raised to 7.9 million in the big blind. Staszko called it pretty quickly, the flop came T7
, and Heinz continued out with 8.2 million. The Czech was having none of it, though, and he raised to 17.5 million total, sending the decision back to Heinz. He spent a few moments thinking, then leaned back in his chair and sipped his water as he pondered. He shuffled chips for a bit, then leaned back over the rail to shoot a glance across the felt. A few seconds later, he announced his all in reraise for about 70 million total!
Now it was Staszko with the decision, and he doesn't normally tank for the camera. Indeed, the call came just a minute later
WNT napísal:Je to velka vyhra pre Martina ale zaroven aj velka prehra....
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