HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

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HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod HESOP 10 Mar 2012 16:53


HESOP je späť ! Je cas pre druhy rocnik Hey Series of Poker !!!

22 – 25 Marca , 2012
Garantovany prize pool: € 50,000
Buy in: € 135 (re-entry € 120)
Pociatocny stack / re-entry: 20.000
Blinds: Day 1A / B - 12 levels every 30 minutes, day 2 - 9 of levels every 45 minutes, Final Day every 60 minutes. The first blind level: 25-50

HESOP je rastúca pokrová udalosť konajuca sa v obľúbených miestach po celej Európe. S cenou buy-inu sa séria zameriava ako na profi tak i na rekreačných hráčov. Každá udalosť doteraz vytvorila zábavnu priateľskú atmosféru, ktorá sa stala charakteristickým rysom série.

Seria cislo jeden bola veľkým úspech, viac ako 1.200 hráčov hralo v štyroch turnajoch, medzi nimi aj účastník vlaňajšieho novembra Nine, Martin Staszko.

Prvá dlho očakávaná udalosť druhej serie sa bude konať opäť v známom pokrovom klube, Montesino vo Viedni. Je to výborná lokalita s veľmi dobrou pokerou urovnou dealerov a klub sa teraz stava zastavkou omnoho vacsich pokerových udalostí v Európe. Okrem pokroveho klubu, je ponuka reštaurácie s kuchyňou z celého sveta, bary, kino, a to všetko len v 15 minútovej vzdialenosti od centra Viedne.
V októbri minulého roka, sa zúčastnilo 524 hráčov vo Viedni HESOP serie a súťažili o prize pool vo výške 63,000 eur. Main Event bude mať tentoraz na formu jedneho re-entry . Všetci hráči, ktorí sa rozhodnú hrať na 1A (štvrtok) budú mať možnosť podieľať sa na Deň 1B (sobota), po opätovnom vstupe.

Ak sa kvalifikujete do finále v obidva dni 1A a 1B, bude väčší stack pouzity vo finalovy den.


B Ubytovanie
Vieden je medinarodnou motropolou. Organizator (Montesino) odporuca nasledujuce hotely v jeho blizkosti.
· Hotel Rooms - 50 m od casina, cena 85 € pre dve osoby den
· Etap Hotel Wien St. Marx - 650 m od casina, cena 45 € /1 za den , 56 € /2 za den

Viedeň je hlavné a najväčšie mesto Rakúska, plná nádherných pamiatok, pamätihodností, ale aj prosperujúcej mladej kultúry. Vzhľadom na mnohé atrakcie je jedným z najnavštevovanejších miest v Európe.

Obrázok Obrázok

Obrázok Obrázok
Naposledy upravil HESOP dňa 20 Mar 2012 23:21, celkovo upravené 3 krát.
Príspevky: 18
Založený: Sep 2011
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod grulo 12 Mar 2012 11:30

Planujete sa zucastnit niekto?
Príspevky: 94
Založený: Dec 2009
Poďakoval/li: 8 krát/7 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod palo1973 12 Mar 2012 11:54

in na 90 %,este rozmyslam ist do prahy na nejaky deepstack vikend v tom istom termien za 550 e
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 5199
Založený: Máj 2008
Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
Karma: 27

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod diamondsguru 12 Mar 2012 12:37

na 99% som tam aj ja...tak ak by niekto potreboval odvoz z BA mam volne miesta...
Príspevky: 95
Založený: Mar 2010
Poďakoval/li: 9 krát/10 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod grulo 12 Mar 2012 15:41

Ktory den bude podla vas viac soft asi 1A ze?
Ze na ktory je lepsie nastupit.
Príspevky: 94
Založený: Dec 2009
Poďakoval/li: 8 krát/7 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod palo1973 12 Mar 2012 17:49

urcite 1b,ale oba budu slabe
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 5199
Založený: Máj 2008
Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
Karma: 27

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod HESOP 14 Mar 2012 09:54


napisze wam post po polsku, ale mam nadzieje ze zrozumiecie. Turniej mozna grac jakby dwa razy (1A i 1B). Tak wiec dla specjalistow MTT jest to dobra okazja aby w 1A grac agresywnie i budowac stack.

W piatek planujemy miedzynarodowy turniej w Tenis stolowy:) Start godzina 14:00.

Do zobaczenia w Montesino!
Príspevky: 18
Založený: Sep 2011
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod HESOP 20 Mar 2012 23:24

Only two days left to start another fantastic HESOP Poker Festival.

Check out our special event, Table Tennis challenge.10€ entry fee held on Friday at 14:00 CET.

Apart from the Main Even with a guaranteed prize pool of 50.000€, there will be 2 more special events:
- "All-in or fold" (a player has only 2 options, either all-in or fold)
- "HESOP Bounty" (100€+15+50)

... as a warm up you can play a deepstack tournament on Wednesday at 19.00 CET. Buy-in is 70€ - 10.000€ GTD. Late registration until the end of the first break (around 20:45).
Príspevky: 18
Založený: Sep 2011
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod HESOP 02 Apr 2012 14:28


Hey Series of Poker Season 2 – Event 1 – Montesino, Vienna 22nd-25th March 2012

The second season of the Hey Series of Poker (HESOP), was held in the beautiful city of Vienna at the Montesino Card Room, as well as side events, the star attraction was the main event, the €50,000 Guaranteed, with starting stacks of 20,000 chips, comfortable blinds and an affordable buy in of just €135.00 the event attracted players from all over Europe from casual players to professionals. The event was held over four days, with two day ones, a day two and the final day. What also made this event unique was the fact that if you lost all your chips, players were permitted a re-entry for €120.00 gaining them a new seat and starting stack. Amongst the players were some key people, including Poland’s premier popstar, Michał Wiśniewski as well as Australian pro, recently returned to Europe, Yann 'topdeck' Pauchon.

Day 1A saw a total of 233 poker players sit down to battle it out for the prestigious title and with a further 25 re-entries on the day saw a total prize pool of €30,960. Starting at 19:00 CET, the atmosphere was electric, action endless and play went into the early hours where finally when down to 52 players who were guaranteed a seat in Day 2, play was brought to the end. The top three chip leaders for the day was home grown Austrian Rado Angel with a stack of 314000 and nipping at his heels were Pawel Switazski and Grzegorz Cichocki with stacks of 213500, 211500 respectively.

Day 1B attracted a further 270 players and an amazing 37 re-entries, taking the prize pool to an amazing €67,800. Once again starting at 19:00 CET, there were no shortage of action and once again the atmosphere was tremendous, as play commenced into the early hours , bad beats, sick hands emerged, one in particular was a Swedish player who made a Full House with Pocket 9s - Flop 10 9 3 Turn 3 only to be decimated by a player with pocket 10s and to make it even worse a ten coming on the river for his Full House crushed by quads, although he made a valiant attempt of a comeback, doubling up his short stack on the very next hand, he disposed of his initial stack and took advantage of a re-entry, with a new seat and 20,000 chip (and hopefully a kinder new deck). As Day 1B came to a close there was a total of 114 players qualifying for Day 2 and a new chip leader emerging, again another Austrian, Severin Schleser with 352,000 Chips followed by Rado Angel 314,000 (Day 1A Chipleader) and to make it an Austrian Full House for the top 3, Martin Nachtigal on 259,000 chips.

Starting at the earlier time of 14:00 CET, blinds began at 2000 / 4000 Ante 500 and the average chip stack was 100,000. In the first few minutes of the commencement of day 2 seven players took their exit as short stacks attempted to double up and the bigger stacks took advantage and only 90 minutes into the day the field was reduced to 67 players, all playing for a slice of the €67,800 distributed amongst the final 57 players and we reached the bubble two hours into the day with the short stack player moving all in with Ace King to be called by Pocket Sixes, the flop came down 2 8 Ten giving no help to the AK and with a Jack on the turn followed by the river of a 9, the pocket sixes hold, guaranteeing everyone a place in the money. With next the exiting player receiving €260.00. Action continued throughout the day and as we neared the final day (18 players) we saw Michał Wiśniewski finishes 27th, as blinds were 10k 20k Ante 2k and within a couple of more levels DAY 2 draws to a close with 18 players going through to the final day.

Hey Series of Poker (HESOP) Final Day, Montesino, Vienna With only 2 tables playing and 18 players competing the Final Day began at 14:00 CET. Initial play was very tight and saw mainly blinds being taken (Blinds started at 12k 24k antes 3k), walks and very little action, losing our first player 20 minutes into the day, as the game played out, shorts stacks were being eliminated and seeing the familiar coin flips for example we lose a player all in with 77 vs AK Flop 396 Turn K - River Jack now down to 15 players and within another hour we are down to just nine players and a break before the tournament is resumed on the final table. We eventually get down to the final three players, Pawel Chojnowski, Paul Schwarz and Severin Schleser (Day 1B Chip Leader) who agree on a deal and play for an additional €2000.00, trophy and bragging rights, after a fierce battle Polish player Pawel Chojnowski emerges victor and is crowned The Hey Series of Poker Season 2 Vienna Champion.

Place Name Nation Prize After Deal
1 Chojnowski Pawel POL € 14.270 € 10.750
2 Schwarz Paul AUT € 8.420 € 7.540
3 Schleser Severin AUT € 5.790 € 10.180
4 Kedl Rene AUT € 4.050
5 Krumpl Michael AUT € 2.890
6 Foukal Jaromir AUT € 2.250
7 Tajner-Idzik Dominika POL € 1.930
8 Czarnota Michal POL € 1.610
9 Barglik Jaroslaw POL € 1.290
10 Heitzer Patrick AUT € 1.090
11 Nikolic Dragan AUT € 1.090
12 Cichocki Grzegorz POL € 1.090
13 Jenisch Markus AUT € 840
14 Trojnacki Marcin POL € 840
15 Kratochvil Kurt AUT € 840
16 Angel Rado AUT € 640
17 Aurel Toma ROM € 640
18 Schneiber Reinhard AUT € 640
19 Galuskin Alexey POL € 480
20 Kaila Damien POL € 480
21 Kielon Michaz POL € 480
22 Mironczuk Krzystof POL € 480
23 Pauchon Yann SUI € 480
24 Golaszewski Adrian POL € 480
25 Königshofer Dietmar AUT € 480
26 Haider Bernhard AUT € 480
27 Blaschke Manuel AUT € 480
28 Wisniewski Michal POL € 390
29 Werner Michal POL € 390
30 Schellerer Konstantin AUT € 390
31 Rauls Adrianna GER € 390
32 Andreadakis Stavros GER € 390
33 Nguyen Thanh AUT € 390
34 Erzijn Piotr HUN € 390
35 Mezel Gergely HUN € 390
36 Fernandes Marco GER € 390
37 Eder Alexander AUT € 320
38 Steding Matthias GER € 320
39 Bös Yilmaz GER € 320
40 Switalski Pawel POL € 320
41 Zginca Christian AUT € 320
42 Witkowski Lukasz POL € 320
43 Dobosz Kamil POL € 320
44 Balazs Szalay HUN € 320
45 Taubenschuss Thomas AUT € 320
46 Pfingster Martin AUT € 290
47 Forche Jürgen AUT € 290
48 Wassermann Chris AUT € 290
49 Schütt Dennis AUT € 290
50 Muck Milan CZE € 290
51 Lon Ondrej CZE € 290
52 Kirschbaumer Erwin AUT € 290
53 Klys Miroslaw POL € 290
54 Jevtic Srdan SLO € 290
55 Chalupka Pavel AUT € 260
56 Witczak Andrzej POL € 260
57 Gluszko Tomasz POL € 260
Príspevky: 18
Založený: Sep 2011
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

Re: HESOP is back! 22-25.03.2012 Vienna

Odoslaťod A_Rimmer 02 Apr 2012 14:31

... a Palo zase rakusan... :D Ty by si ten dres mal nosit asi povinne. :D
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 875
Založený: Apr 2008
Poďakoval/li: 88 krát/131 krát
Karma: 23

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