Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

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Re: Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

Odoslaťod Magnus 01 Mar 2013 18:53

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Re: Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

Odoslaťod 3flash3 02 Mar 2013 10:44

Revolution Network sa chystá spraviť to isté od 4. marca (Fair Play technology).


following an analysis of the Network by the network provider, a new feature is scheduled to go live during the week beginning March 4th, 2013. This feature will be referred to as “lobby catalogue” and it will categorise players, which will mean that all players will not be able to share the same tables.

We do not yet know exactly how the categorisation will be done, but we wanted to give our players a heads up before it is in place.

Intertops will continue to offer the same promotions as before, the same exemplary customer service and, of course, our speedy processing times.

We will be providing additional information as soon as we have it!

Best regards,

The Intertops Poker Team
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Re: Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

Odoslaťod 3flash3 02 Mar 2013 19:02

Keby to tak radšej rozdelili na dve skupiny podľa VPIP. Aspoň by bol pokoj od nitov, ktorí pri stole akurát zaberajú miesto.
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Re: Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

Odoslaťod nabokow 02 Mar 2013 19:55

#32 Don't compare poker rooms without casino/betting like FTP with rooms like party. The reason FTP would never segregate their player pool is because they absolutely do not care who wins. All they care about the rake - as they should.

BUT rooms with more focus on casino games and betting really don't want their customers to lose their money to other poker players, they would much more prefer if they would lose it to them in casino games and sports betting.

zaujimavy nazor
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Re: Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

Odoslaťod sudden 03 Mar 2013 15:37

3flash3 napísal:Keby to tak radšej rozdelili na dve skupiny podľa VPIP. Aspoň by bol pokoj od nitov, ktorí pri stole akurát zaberajú miesto.

No ak by to nenastavili na 38+ VPIP tak by to mozno slo :)

nabokow napísal:#32 Don't compare poker rooms without casino/betting like FTP with rooms like party. The reason FTP would never segregate their player pool is because they absolutely do not care who wins. All they care about the rake - as they should.

To vobec nie je pravda. Aj herne bez kasinovych hier zaujima kto vyhrava alebo skor ako rychlo prehravajuci prehravaju svoje peniaze. Pre nich je dolezite ako dlho ostavaju depositnute peniaze v obehu - cim dlhsie, tym viac z nich zozerie rake. Takze pre kazdu hernu by bolo idealne ak by regovia hrali medzi sebou a ryby medzi sebou oddelene, lenze to je samozrejme uplny nezmysel a jedine co dosiahnu je to, ze si zabiju traffic. Ziadny aspon semi rozmyslajuci reg nebude hrat na herni kde nema pristup k rybam, to mozu rovno zacat winning hracom blokovat accounty a bude to to iste :)
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Re: Pa***Poker nečakane rozdelil player pool!

Odoslaťod 3flash3 03 Mar 2013 19:12

Stačilo by dať preč všetkých pod 20 VPIP. :)
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1503
Založený: Feb 2008
Poďakoval/li: 53 krát/410 krát
Karma: 48


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