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Odoslaťod My1st.GAME 09 Jún 2007 19:08

Dealer: Dealing Flop
9h Qh 5s
Dealer: Dealing Turn
9h Qh 5s 7h
LoseAgainSVK: preco ste vsetci taky opatrny ? =D
Dealer: Winner is untiksk1 2,100
Dealer: Winner is untiksk1 2,100
Dealer: drnysek is the dealer
Dealer: Starting a new hand (#977544634)
Dealer: Starting a new hand (#977544634)
Dealer: Dealing cards
Dealer: Your cards 3d 9d
costumes: a ty snad ne??
LoseAgainSVK: ne
costumes: hhhhhhhhhhhhhh:D
costumes: nejsou karty:d
LoseAgainSVK: ja hram s 3 a 9 momentalne
Dealer: Dealing Flop
9s 3s Qs
costumes: lol
CZFilip: lol
LoseAgainSVK: bluff
Dealer: Dealing Turn
9s 3s Qs 2s
Dealer: Dealing River
9s 3s Qs 2s 3h
Dealer: LoseAgainSVK shows Full house
3d 9d
Dealer: untiksk1 shows Flush
As 6s
Dealer: LoseAgainSVK wins with Full house
3d 3h 3s 9d 9s 23,984
Dealer: LoseAgainSVK wins with Full house
3d 3h 3s 9d 9s 23,984
Dealer: cammel is the dealer
Dealer: Starting a new hand (#977547396)
Dealer: Starting a new hand (#977547396)
Dealer: Dealing cards
costumes: lol
Dealer: Your cards 8s 7h
LoseAgainSVK: LOL
CZFilip: nh
rebecik: rofl
Bouky1: hust
LoseAgainSVK: hhh

Skoda ze to bol len freeroll ;)
Príspevky: 19
Založený: Máj 2007
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

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