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Počet príspevkov: 16 • Stránka 1 z 2 • 1, 2
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A Majority of German States Voted to Ratify Online Gambling Ban
Online poker players in Germany have one fewer reason to celebrate the coming of the New Year. Jan. 1, 2008, will mark the beginning of a state-ratified online gambling ban in Germany, a move meant to safeguard the country's state monopolies on lotteries and other forms of online wagering.
The new online-wagering laws — which have been ratified 13 of the 16 German states, so far, which means the majority requirement has been met — ban any form of Internet gambling or the brokering of games online. The new rules allow the German states to order banks and financial institutions from transacting with Web sites offering online wagering (similar to what the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act does in the U.S.) and to order Internet service providers to completely block those sites.
Advertisements for Internet gambling are also severely restricted as a result of the new rules. The regulations imposed on such advertising states that the ads may not "directly invite, incite, or prompt," people to gamble online, but they can still let potential customers know that Internet gambling is possible.
The Brussels-based European Commission, a regulator for the European Union, still has the opportunity to challenge Germany's new regulations. The Commission told Germany earlier this year that it thought a total ban on Internet gambling was excessive and asked the country to reconsider. Germany refused and set in place the ban that will become official tomorrow. The Commission can sue EU member states for failing to adhere to EU law and to force them to comply.
Online poker players in Germany have one fewer reason to celebrate the coming of the New Year. Jan. 1, 2008, will mark the beginning of a state-ratified online gambling ban in Germany, a move meant to safeguard the country's state monopolies on lotteries and other forms of online wagering.
The new online-wagering laws — which have been ratified 13 of the 16 German states, so far, which means the majority requirement has been met — ban any form of Internet gambling or the brokering of games online. The new rules allow the German states to order banks and financial institutions from transacting with Web sites offering online wagering (similar to what the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act does in the U.S.) and to order Internet service providers to completely block those sites.
Advertisements for Internet gambling are also severely restricted as a result of the new rules. The regulations imposed on such advertising states that the ads may not "directly invite, incite, or prompt," people to gamble online, but they can still let potential customers know that Internet gambling is possible.
The Brussels-based European Commission, a regulator for the European Union, still has the opportunity to challenge Germany's new regulations. The Commission told Germany earlier this year that it thought a total ban on Internet gambling was excessive and asked the country to reconsider. Germany refused and set in place the ban that will become official tomorrow. The Commission can sue EU member states for failing to adhere to EU law and to force them to comply.
- man
- Príspevky: 16
- Založený: Aug 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Co vy na to?
vo francuzku je zakaz internet aj live poker predsa sa hra.USA je zakazaný detto a predsa sa hrá/on-line/.jediný ktorý to vyriešili boli turci zablokovali stránky s pokrom.
SpongeBob - Príspevky: 332
- Založený: Feb 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Co vy na to?
Na IPoker su 50 % Franzuzi. Na Titane maju este Portal s vyhercami Turnajov a tam su Franzuzi aj s fotkou.*JOKINGLY* Mna by zaujimalo co to ma znamenat. Nech mi nikdo nehovori ze su vsetci slepi.8-)
- ksoiram 1n
- Príspevky: 123
- Založený: Jún 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Re: Co vy na to?
Dokym nezablokoju pokerove herne,alebo platby,ťažko niečo urobia.majitelov francuzkych herní stíhaju poker770-dostal vezenia aj pokutu.hráčov ťažko postihneš.aj EPT turnaje sa už nehrrajú.a EUROSPORT ako francúzka stanica ani poker nemože vysielať.je otázka času kedy to vyriešia sankciami.ale aj hráčov už neakych odsudili.
SpongeBob - Príspevky: 332
- Založený: Feb 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Re: Re: Co vy na to?
moze mi niekto vysvetlit naco su taketo zakony dobre? o co tymto tzv.mudrym hlavam ide?
- joco66
- Príspevky: 308
- Založený: Jan 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/1 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Co vy na to?
herne neplatia dane v daných štátoch.možu prať špinavé peniaze.robiť podvody ako Absolute poker a sú vlastne nekontrolovatelné v každom smere.a okrádajú štátnu kasu o príjem z hazardných hier a lotérií a odvodom daní.
SpongeBob - Príspevky: 332
- Založený: Feb 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Co vy na to?
jasne ze neplatia dane v danych statoch ale len v tom kde sidlia, a peniaze sa budu prat aj bez pokrovych herni, mne to skor pripada ako buzeracia a nenazranost
- joco66
- Príspevky: 308
- Založený: Jan 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/1 krát
- Karma: 0
Jo, o tom to je
buzeracia a nenazranost. Cele blbe dane :-!
- vlade
- Príspevky: 5717
- Založený: Jan 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 246 krát/175 krát
- Karma: 34
Re: Jo, o tom to je
poker by trebalo oddeliť od hazardu.ako napríklad šport.len na to by trebalo volu čo neverím že tu kasínam na Slovensku by sa to páčilo.tiež robia lobbing len aby sa tam hralo.v čehach chcu kompletne blokovat internet obrovsky tlak neviem ale ako to pokračuje,ale malo by to isť asi cestou francuzka ak nie horšou.
SpongeBob - Príspevky: 332
- Založený: Feb 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Jo, o tom to je
SpongeBob - Príspevky: 332
- Založený: Feb 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 0
Počet príspevkov: 16 • Stránka 1 z 2 • 1, 2
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