Nechapu tyhle počty

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Nechapu tyhle počty

Odoslaťod man 17 Jan 2008 11:39

The incredible online poker boom continues. Just recently P****Stars was able to count 20,000 cash game players at one time. But this isn't the only record. Just now, as a peak value counting the entire industry, 95,000 cash game players were playing online simultaneously.

The magic count of 100,000 cash game players is getting closer. Adding together all poker rooms, on January 4th, 95,000 players were online at the same time. Apart from the US, Australia, and Europe, Poker is gaining interest in increasing parts of the world. After the EPT and the APPT, the LAPT (Latin America Poker Tour) recently started. It seems as if no continent is left out. This draws many players into the online market. The growth does not seem to want to end in the near future.

On January 6th, P****Stars was able to break its recent record of 20,000 players during peak hours. 23,000 players were counted. On January 7th, OnGame networks counted 10,000 players for the first time. Everest counted more than 7,000. Just in December, more than 9,000 players were online in the iPoker network. But not only are the peak values increasing, the average number of players is also rising. In December, they counted more than 50,000 players for the first time.

Jak je tedy mozne, ze kdyz zapnu kolem 16.h P****Stars je tam vzdy kolem 60tis. hraču a tady čtu ze na všech pokeroomech bylo v jednu chvili 95.tis..
Mozna to bude tim ze je hodne hracu jen v lobby nebo na play money a ti se do toho rekordu asi nezapočitali, ze? nebo fakt nevim. Jak to vidite vy?
Príspevky: 16
Založený: Aug 2007
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

to je jednoduche

Odoslaťod jonatanko 17 Jan 2008 12:08

oni beru len tych co hraju cash stoliky, tisice ludi tam hraje turnae
Príspevky: 425
Založený: Jan 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/6 krát
Karma: 0

Re: to je jednoduche

Odoslaťod man 17 Jan 2008 13:16

20,000 cash game players at one time....... No jo, ja sem tez dement slepy. sorry:-[
Príspevky: 16
Založený: Aug 2007
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0

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