zneužitie "disconnect protection"
Počet príspevkov: 6 • Stránka 1 z 1
zneužitie "disconnect protection"
v sobotu sa mi stalo, ze sa hrac odpojil ked mal dorovnat moj bet. Kedze sa aktivovalo DP tak sa hra dohrala ako by sme boli v All-ine. Trocha ma to nahnevalo tak som ho nahlasil na:
a dnes mi prislo toto mailom:
Thank you for taking the time to report a potentially suspect usage of the 'disconnect protect' feature. We have thoroughly investigated “eleric75” account history with a particular focus on the player's previous usage of this feature. We have found that the hand you reported to us was indeed suspicious andas the investigation has revealed further suspicious disconnects in the past, we have proceeded to block the protection feature for this account. In future, should the player disconnect, his/her hand will be folded. The player concerned has been sent an email explaining the reason for our actions.
Tak ak sa vam stane to iste, nahlaste to tiez. Pomoze to odstranit podobnych hracov
a dnes mi prislo toto mailom:
Thank you for taking the time to report a potentially suspect usage of the 'disconnect protect' feature. We have thoroughly investigated “eleric75” account history with a particular focus on the player's previous usage of this feature. We have found that the hand you reported to us was indeed suspicious andas the investigation has revealed further suspicious disconnects in the past, we have proceeded to block the protection feature for this account. In future, should the player disconnect, his/her hand will be folded. The player concerned has been sent an email explaining the reason for our actions.
Tak ak sa vam stane to iste, nahlaste to tiez. Pomoze to odstranit podobnych hracov
- Rybár
- Príspevky: 224
- Založený: Apr 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: zneužitie "disconnect protection"
..ja som tiez jedneho uz davnejsie nahlasil, ktory to dokonca spravil 2x v priebehu asi hodiny a poslali mi odpoved, ze ho "upozornia" aby take nieco nerobil. Mozno ten Tvoj nebol nahlaseny prvy krat a preto mu to blokli, v kazdom pripade treba tychto nefer hracov reportnut.
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
Re: Re: zneužitie "disconnect protection"
v minulosti mi odpisali to co tebe. Takze preto som bol prekvapeny, ze s tym tentokrat nieco urobili.
- Rybár
- Príspevky: 224
- Založený: Apr 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Re: zneužitie "disconnect protection"
heh no suhlasim s vami ze by sa to nemalo robit,ale co ak nahodou niekomu vypadne net...Ja mam bezdratovy hnoj a tiez sa mi to niekedy stane..No nebol by som moc rad keby ma blokli:-D
- Boldo12
- Príspevky: 168
- Založený: Apr 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
oni si pozru v histiorii , v akych situaciach padne spojenie. ak ti pada kedkolvek, tak ta nebloknu, ak ti pada zasadne pri raisovackach, tak si jasny :)
- chipfeeder
- Príspevky: 780
- Založený: Dec 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Počet príspevkov: 6 • Stránka 1 z 1
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