EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
Počet príspevkov: 26 • Stránka 2 z 3 • 1, 2, 3
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
palovic out:
Palovic's Ninja Skills No Match for Yamron
Dag Palovic was all smiles during the preflop action of his final hand of the tournament. He even stopped Boris Becker, walking by the table, and asked for a photo (Becker was happy to oblige).
"It's a good one," Palovic told Becker as he showed him the photo. It was at that moment that Palovic's 85,000-chip re-raise from the small blind was re-re-raised to 200,000 by big blind Bruce Yamron. Once the original raiser, Mikhail Tulchinskiy, folded, Palovic counted out the chips necessary to call. He slid them forward with a strong, "I call."
The flop was {5-Hearts} {K-Hearts} {2-Spades} and Palovic quickly moved all in.
"How much do you have?" Yamron asked. Palovic made no motion or response, causing the dealer to countdown his neat stacks of five chips each. She estimated it was about 300,000. Upon hearing that, Yamron quickly called.
Palovic showed down {10-Spades} {10-Hearts} and was flabbergasted to see Yamron turn over {K-Spades} {J-Spades}. "King-jack?" Palovic gasped. Yamron didn't say anything, choosing instead to watch the dealer burn and turn the {Q-Diamonds} turn and {A-Spades} river. He clapped his hands and pumped the air with a fist.
A stunned Palovic was led away from the table by tournament staff to collect his winnings.
------------skoda chalan to mal dobre rozohrate----------------
Palovic's Ninja Skills No Match for Yamron
Dag Palovic was all smiles during the preflop action of his final hand of the tournament. He even stopped Boris Becker, walking by the table, and asked for a photo (Becker was happy to oblige).
"It's a good one," Palovic told Becker as he showed him the photo. It was at that moment that Palovic's 85,000-chip re-raise from the small blind was re-re-raised to 200,000 by big blind Bruce Yamron. Once the original raiser, Mikhail Tulchinskiy, folded, Palovic counted out the chips necessary to call. He slid them forward with a strong, "I call."
The flop was {5-Hearts} {K-Hearts} {2-Spades} and Palovic quickly moved all in.
"How much do you have?" Yamron asked. Palovic made no motion or response, causing the dealer to countdown his neat stacks of five chips each. She estimated it was about 300,000. Upon hearing that, Yamron quickly called.
Palovic showed down {10-Spades} {10-Hearts} and was flabbergasted to see Yamron turn over {K-Spades} {J-Spades}. "King-jack?" Palovic gasped. Yamron didn't say anything, choosing instead to watch the dealer burn and turn the {Q-Diamonds} turn and {A-Spades} river. He clapped his hands and pumped the air with a fist.
A stunned Palovic was led away from the table by tournament staff to collect his winnings.
------------skoda chalan to mal dobre rozohrate----------------
DevilMayCry - Príspevky: 2111
- Založený: Aug 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 59 krát/107 krát
- Karma: 10
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
-ale aspon ma fotku s borisom,moze si je zavesit do klubu
palo1973 - Príspevky: 5199
- Založený: Máj 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
- Karma: 27
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
-s tym callom neviem,ci to dobre urobil,podla mna to mal pushnut pred flopom alebo zlozit
palo1973 - Príspevky: 5199
- Založený: Máj 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
- Karma: 27
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
- presne nad tym som rozmyslal - keby to tam supol tak myslim ze typek by do toho nesiel s KJ
- a K na flope je urcite v range jeho super po takom re-raise.....takze tak.......
- a K na flope je urcite v range jeho super po takom re-raise.....takze tak.......
DevilMayCry - Príspevky: 2111
- Založený: Aug 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 59 krát/107 krát
- Karma: 10
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
http://www.P****Stars.com/ept/2009/ ... 39524.html
Tu je uvedený iný hráč, ale to nie je podstatné.
Tu je uvedený iný hráč, ale to nie je podstatné.
- Ivo
- Príspevky: 420
- Založený: Feb 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 18 krát/11 krát
- Karma: 2
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
No neviem, mam za sebou 0 EPTciek takze nechcem mudrovat, ale moj pocit je ze Dag skusil funky verziu stop'n'go akurat v dost nevhodnej situacii, kedze nejako nebola splnena jedna zo zakladnych podmienok... skusat toto 50BB deep sa mi zda dost sick...
- 7castle
- Príspevky: 2912
- Založený: Sep 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 24 krát/148 krát
- Karma: 43
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
to asi nebolo stop and go ved mal TT a nic lepsie by mu nikdy nefoldlo - je mozne ze to malo aj hlbsiu myslienku - ktovie
yegon - Príspevky: 8010
- Založený: Júl 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 18 krát/900 krát
- Karma: 73
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
co to presne znamena stop and go ? ked len callneme PF a podla flopu to tam hned napalime ?
WolfiKxx - Príspevky: 1285
- Založený: Jún 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 165 krát/42 krát
- Karma: 7
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
WolfiKxx napísal:co to presne znamena stop and go ? ked len callneme PF OOP a bez ohladu na flop to tam hned napalime
yegon - Príspevky: 8010
- Založený: Júl 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 18 krát/900 krát
- Karma: 73
Re: EPT Grand Final - Day 1a a Day 1b: Dag Palovič úraduje!
Stop and go znamena, ze ked super nepushuje ale iba raisuje, tak ho bez pozicie callneme a na lubovolnom flope pushneme. Pouziva sa to, ked mas okolo 10BB myslim, pre zvysenie fold equity, lebo ked ho pushnes pred flopom, ma dobre odds na dorovnanie prakticky s hocijakou rukou, s ktorou raisoval. Ale ak ho netrafil flop, tak sa mu bude takyto push tazko dorovnavat.
- brano172
- Príspevky: 161
- Založený: Nov 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 3
Počet príspevkov: 26 • Stránka 2 z 3 • 1, 2, 3
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