Edit: Ak by som chcel HH na OnGame, je možné si vybrať herňu alebo je to zmes z každej herne?
tomisumi napísal:wtf?To co je? Pri turnajoch je po 5 minutach pauza?Preco?
Thank you for your email.
We currently have synchronized breaks in many of our tournaments, which
means that the break is triggered at a specific time (55 minutes after the
hour), and will occur once the current hand at that time is over.
This is opposed to our other break scheme where breaks are, in most cases,
60 minutes after the start of the tournament.
The main reason we have implemented synchronized breaks is so that most
tournaments go on break at the same time, which gives players a chance to
take an actual break from playing and leave their computer for a few minutes.
As many of our tourneys have synchronized breaks now, it will often occur
that the break in a rebuy tournament is before the rebuy period ends, and
add-ons are not yet available. As such in rebuy tournaments, the possibility
to add-on will often not be when the tournament break occurs, rather it will
be when the rebuy period finishes, which will be stated in the lobby.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
again. Good luck!
Best Regards,
Tarvi R
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