yegon napísal:fucking hotrun imo
mladiku, nedavat .. tento blog sa cita aj pred 22tou hodinou !
yegon napísal:fucking hotrun imo
KRANTZ napísal:Monday - Remix
The landscape of NL 6max games has changed drastically since January 2008. Watch Vanessa and DJ Sensei tackle what it will take to succeed in the emerging climate in their brand new follow up to Unconventional Wisdom.
Tuesday – pr1nnyraiding 2
KRANTZ and WiltOnTilt return. pr1nnyraiding taught you a basic primer for approaching HU NL. Now, Jay and Aaron dive into more advanced strategy and arm you with the weapons you need to demolish mid-stakes games.
Wednesday – Omakase NL
A little of this, a little of that.
DC member Hielko gets coached by all our NL Executive Producers at 6max NL - Whitelime, KRANTZ, Vanessa, DJ, sthief, FWF, WiltOnTilt. In the 8th episode, he creates a video on his own and reviews all the coaching.
Omakase LHE
DC member sushiglutton is coached by 7 of our 6max LHE gurus - DeathDonkey, Joe Tall, Entity, danzasmack, oink, mikel, BigBadBabar. In the 8th episode, he creates a vid on his own and reviews all the coaching.
Thursday – Thug Life: HU Microlimit Baller
Chuck + Hypnotic. You think Hypnotic has what it takes to be street? Is he thug enough to roll homeys in the hood with danzas?
Friday – What Would Joe Tall Do? (biweekly) takes video-based poker training to a higher level with this brand new INTERACTIVE series hosted by Joe Tall (featuring guest NL coaches)!
Go beyond one-dimensional learning and challenge yourself against other DC members in this exciting eight week course in 6max NL guaranteed to improve your poker skills.
We will track submitted answers via an updated leaderboard - each week one winner wins sweet prizes and at the end of the Season the overall leader will win THE GRAND PRIZE!
??? (biweekly)
Top secret series starring whitelime. Sorry, mum's the word for now...
Saturday – The +Evolution of a Poker Player
sthief09 unveils a new, developmental approach to learning No Limit. A curriculum/syllabus for the poker player who wants to improve and needs a framework for learning.
Sunday – DC Variety Hour
The DC showcase. This season, keep your eyes peeled for FoxwoodsFiend, IWEARGOGGLES, AMT and more.
igy94 napísal:Dzejkej, kolkomiestne hras SnGcka na ipokri? 6 ci 10?
dzejkej napísal:Daniel Negreanu sa odohlal skusit z $10 urobit $100 000 hranim cash games na Poker Stars. Chce si vyskuat nieco podobne, co urobil Fergusson na FullTilte. No som zvedavy, ako mu to pojde .. to, ze nepadri medzi top CG spicku mu tych prvych par tisicok dolarov asi nebude vadit . No som zvedavy, ako to s nim bude vyzerat na nosebleed limitoch.
No ani jeden z nich nema na Ishbu, ktory sa stavil, ze urobi z $0 BR $10K za 30 dni a dal to 20. Tu je odkaz na jeho progress report.
Zdroj: ... experiment
EDIT: vo videu hovori, ze chce pouzit BR management typu, ak mam 5 BI vyssieho limitu, idem tam ... ajajaj
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