APminer napísal:ale stejne mne vyradilo nejake "nemehlo" - byl dnes lucky
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APminer napísal:ale stejne mne vyradilo nejake "nemehlo" - byl dnes lucky
kuri napísal:No este by ma zaujimalo ako sa z tade daju vyberat peniaze. Na stranke je pri cash out daco s favourite payment ....
Ci ked vlozim cez moneybookers budem moct to aj poslat naspat na money alebo ako?? ...
Hello Martin,
I have just reviewed the account "oxeerz", there should no problem accessing the account. However the balance of the account is 0 and the name of the account does not match your name.
Best Regards
John Berg
Poker Manager
On Jun 12, 2009, at 3:57 PM, Martin Kuchařík wrote:
I cannot login to my account, I had there 100€ and now, I cannot login…Can you help me?
My username is „oxeerz“.
Please tell me, what is wrong, I tried „Forgot password“ and nothing came to my email.
Thank you.
Martin Kucharik
Používatelia prezerajúci si toto fórum: Žiadny registrovaný používateľ a 7 hostí.