tady je kdyztak link na nejake pripadne dotazy,problemy etc.
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/45/so ... er-483764/
pekne to tam napsal jeden clovek:
I have ninja.
I have deleted ninja.
Many features in Shortcuts use image recognition to read information off of the table and lobby. Your Windows Font Property must be set on "ClearType". To do this, follow these steps:
If using Windows XP:
Right Click on your desktop and select "Properties"
Click on the "Appearance" tab
Click on the "Effects" button
Check the box called "Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts".
In the "Use the following method..." dropdown box, select "ClearType"
Click OK to close Effects dialog box
Click OK to close the Appearance tab
haro napísal:neviete ako a naco sluzi v ninji sng sensei
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