Poker Stars
Re: Poker Stars
Z tych troch mas povinne len to jedno policko s telefonnym cislom, tak vypln len to, ostatne nechaj prazdne...
admin - Príspevky: 22583
- Založený: Sep 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 132 krát/177 krát
- Karma: 12
Re: Poker Stars
Akcia P****Stars k SCOOP
SCOOP Photo Competition
We have over $5,000 worth of prizes to give away in our latest Facebook competition.
It’s almost time for the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) and to celebrate, we’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a Medium ticket entry (worth $1,050) into the SCOOP NL Hold'em Main Event tournament on Sunday May 16th.
What’s more, 15 runner-ups will also receive a Medium ticket entry (worth $215 each) to the SCOOP NL Hold'em tournament on Sunday May 16th.
AND, if that wasn’t enough, we’re giving everyone who successfully enters the competition the password to enter the special Facebook Freeroll.
Upload an original photo to our wall that somehow incorporates the word ‘SCOOP’. The photo can be real or designed on your computer - whichever you prefer. Take a look at some of the entries currently in the 'Wall photos' section for inspiration.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your photo entries in today!
Good luck!
SCOOP 2010 runs from May 2-16, with 38 events scheduled and a $45,000,000 guaranteed prize pool. The series includes a wide range of poker games, including Hold’em, Omaha, Stud, plus mixed games like HORSE and 8-Game. What’s more, each event has three different buy-in levels: low, medium and high. This means that all players can play and become a SCOOP Champion, no matter what level you play or what size your bankroll is. Check our Tournaments page for the full schedule.
Terms and Conditions:
* 1) You will have a valid entry if you have successfully uploaded a photo to our wall containing the word 'SCOOP'.
* 2) Closing date is midnight on May 12th 2010.
* 3) The person with the most ‘Likes’ on their photo will receive a Medium ticket entry (worth $1,050) into the SCOOP NL Hold'em Main Event tournament on Sunday May 16th.
* 4) 15 of the entrants that come directly behind the winner will win a Medium ticket entry (worth $215 each) to the SCOOP NL Hold'em tournament on Sunday May 16th.
* 5) Only one entry per person will be accepted.
* 6) Judge's decision is final.
Dobrá blbosť
ale aspoň sa dá vyhrať ticket, škoda že to je na deň kedy nemôžem 
SCOOP Photo Competition
We have over $5,000 worth of prizes to give away in our latest Facebook competition.
It’s almost time for the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) and to celebrate, we’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a Medium ticket entry (worth $1,050) into the SCOOP NL Hold'em Main Event tournament on Sunday May 16th.
What’s more, 15 runner-ups will also receive a Medium ticket entry (worth $215 each) to the SCOOP NL Hold'em tournament on Sunday May 16th.
AND, if that wasn’t enough, we’re giving everyone who successfully enters the competition the password to enter the special Facebook Freeroll.
Upload an original photo to our wall that somehow incorporates the word ‘SCOOP’. The photo can be real or designed on your computer - whichever you prefer. Take a look at some of the entries currently in the 'Wall photos' section for inspiration.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your photo entries in today!
Good luck!
SCOOP 2010 runs from May 2-16, with 38 events scheduled and a $45,000,000 guaranteed prize pool. The series includes a wide range of poker games, including Hold’em, Omaha, Stud, plus mixed games like HORSE and 8-Game. What’s more, each event has three different buy-in levels: low, medium and high. This means that all players can play and become a SCOOP Champion, no matter what level you play or what size your bankroll is. Check our Tournaments page for the full schedule.
Terms and Conditions:
* 1) You will have a valid entry if you have successfully uploaded a photo to our wall containing the word 'SCOOP'.
* 2) Closing date is midnight on May 12th 2010.
* 3) The person with the most ‘Likes’ on their photo will receive a Medium ticket entry (worth $1,050) into the SCOOP NL Hold'em Main Event tournament on Sunday May 16th.
* 4) 15 of the entrants that come directly behind the winner will win a Medium ticket entry (worth $215 each) to the SCOOP NL Hold'em tournament on Sunday May 16th.
* 5) Only one entry per person will be accepted.
* 6) Judge's decision is final.
Dobrá blbosť

- tomisumi
- Príspevky: 504
- Založený: Feb 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 15 krát/10 krát
- Karma: 2
Re: Poker Stars
tak este raz skusim v tejto teme.mam na pacific pokri dead money ktorych sa potrebujem zbavit.tomu kto mi prevedie 50usd cez money transfer na PS tomu prevediem 55usd cez mt na pacificu,ak to spravime este dnes tak prevediem 60.
popoBA - Príspevky: 2214
- Založený: Nov 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 49 krát/235 krát
- Karma: 24
Re: Poker Stars
popoba ja ti to prevediem,1:1,posil pm
palo1973 - Príspevky: 5199
- Založený: Máj 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
- Karma: 27
Re: Poker Stars
Nemate niekto zbytocne FPP body na PS? Vymenil by som ich v podstate za real prachy. Mam zaujem o nejake vecicky z PS VIP shopu. Ja by som vam dal prachy a vy by ste mi to objednali, ak by sa dalo mohli by sme sa nejako dohodnut. Lebo mne na tych mikrolimitoloch to trvalo hodne dlho nez som naskrabal na to najlacnejsie triko
Na ebayi su tie veci v celku za dobre ceny, ale nemam skusenosti s tymto medzinarodnym obchodovanim...
Ak by sa niekto nasiel prosim napiste mi SS. MOc by ste potesili

Ak by sa niekto nasiel prosim napiste mi SS. MOc by ste potesili

3Sammy - Príspevky: 221
- Založený: Nov 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 53 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Poker Stars
Ja mam iny problem s FPP :-) vyhral som kvalifikaciu na sunday 1/4 milion z hyperturba so vstupom jeden FPP ale skor by som uvital tych 700 FPP namiesto tej vstupenky, lebo v nedelu vecer budem asi v divocine. A vstup je tam za 11USD ak sa nemylim, a to by bola skoda nechat prepadnut.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
- SlowHandFred
- Príspevky: 7
- Založený: Apr 2010
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Poker Stars
Caute.Pocujte mam taky maly problem na PS.Zaregistroval som sa cez PS na inteli poker ale nechtiac som si nastavil jazyk na slovinstinu a vzdy ked sa prihlasim cez cz intelipoker tak vzdy mi to hody slovinsky jazyk.Nedalo by sa to nejak zmenit?
- FreeMan
- Príspevky: 204
- Založený: Dec 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 51 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Poker Stars
mozno by pomohlo ked sa prihlasis tak v lobby herne mas nastavenie jazyka a tam nastavit čestinu.
pegas1975x - Príspevky: 1146
- Založený: Aug 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 53 krát/21 krát
- Karma: 7
Re: Poker Stars
pegas1975x napísal:mozno by pomohlo ked sa prihlasis tak v lobby herne mas nastavenie jazyka a tam nastavit čestinu.
ano ale ja mam nastavenu cestinu na PS softwary ale intelipoker je na webe

- FreeMan
- Príspevky: 204
- Založený: Dec 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 51 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
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