Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Čo sa inde nehodí, no stále je to diskusia o pokri

Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod Horsey7 17 Jún 2010 16:19

guess what koho mam na mysli ked vidim SPZ konciacu sa JK :D
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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod popoBA 17 Jún 2010 16:22

janu kirschner?
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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod keso26 17 Jún 2010 16:39

jj, s tymi SPZ to bol jeden z prvych syndromov :D ..len u mna tie 3 cisla uprostred znamenali flop :D
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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod dzejkej 17 Jún 2010 16:51

Horsey7 napísal:guess what koho mam na mysli ked vidim SPZ konciacu sa JK :D

Na seba myslis ako vzdy! :-D
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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod Komedia 17 Jún 2010 21:59

v mojej slovnej zasobe v bežnom zivote často použivam veci namiesto "to je super" poviem "to je nuts" ...zlým vodičom nadávam "v*jebaná ryba" atd...
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Založený: Jún 2008
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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod 3flash3 18 Jún 2010 12:37

When the first thing you check when house hunting is the shape/size of the table for poker purposes.

I used to 24 table 25NL and over long weekends I would grind like crazy 15-16K hand days, 2-3 days of intense grinding are easy and I would run on adrenaline. However, when I would return to work my head was not right and I would start thinking weird things ie 'I am going to eat my lunch now, what are the odds the fork will be a spade?' 'If I reach for that piece of paper will I continue if I am check raised?' weird $hit.

when u tell a non-poker friend u had "a horrible session" without mentioning the word poker and he goes "..uh.. so, what you're a pothead now?

When you think of the new guy at the office as a fish.

when u fall asleep in class, everyone looks at u, u wake up and go "wat, I'm big blind ? uh, i check."

when u say cheeseburgers instead of $s or €s when the number is somethn below 100.

when u're on the phone, say "waiwaiwait 1sec i got aces on table 4" and get hung up on.

Telling your boss at work your grandmother died and need to take a few days off work then proceeding to play poker for 3 straight days because shes been gone since 2002.

Dressing up like a jackass and being the most annoying person at a halloween party yelling "IM PHIL HELMUTH!"

When someone tell a real good joke and I yell out 'FIVE STARS' !!

When you decide to show your gf your red line winnings to prove your a man.

when the only time you see the people who you live with is for 5 minutes from XX:55 - XX:00.
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1502
Založený: Feb 2008
Poďakoval/li: 53 krát/410 krát
Karma: 48

Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod mmcanny 18 Jún 2010 13:18

3flash3 napísal:when the only time you see the people who you live with is for 5 minutes from XX:55 - XX:00.

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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod 3flash3 21 Jún 2010 15:34

One morning when my alarm clock went off and I was still half asleep, I thought to myself " I'll just activate my time bank and sleep in a bit longer"

when you're watching a poker coaching video and find yourself unconsciously clicking the action buttons on the vid (especially when the action you take is simple. for example folding junk hands)

When you play live and wonder why the cards with clubs on them aren't green.

When you are shocked your non poker playingfriends haven't heard of phil ivey or tom dwan.

When the amount of food you give to your dog correlates to your graph.

Your moods have a similar resembalence to your graphs

When you justifiy every decision in your life to your gf as whether its +EV or -EV

When your RL friends call you a "****ing shortstacker"

when you do tricks with everything on your desk

I didn't realize what happened in Haiti (still don't completely) until I saw the "Aid for Haiti" tournaments on FTP today.

when u shuffle ur id cards. school id,license, credit card. true story
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1502
Založený: Feb 2008
Poďakoval/li: 53 krát/410 krát
Karma: 48

Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod zetko61 21 Jún 2010 17:26

3flash3 napísal:
when you do tricks with everything on your desk

when u shuffle ur id cards. school id,license, credit card. true story

ja mám na stole vždy pre sebou deck kariet a miešam s nimi pri všetkom čo robím na PC :D
Príspevky: 88
Založený: Feb 2009
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Re: Znamenia,ked poker prebera kontrolu nad vasim zivotom...

Odoslaťod 3flash3 23 Jún 2010 14:27

2 years ago I needed new glasses and to buy them they give you a free eye test for the prescription of the lens.

Doctor says ' Do you read or use a computer a lot?'
me 'I read and I also use the computer a lot'
him 'word processing and surfing, or additional strain on the eyes'
me 'Well I play a little online poker sometimes'
him 'ok, well lets see how your eyes are'

He then switches off the lights and I do the 'please read the lines test. He says 'read the 2nd line please'
The 2nd line has a 3 K J 2. So I obviously say, 'Three, King, Jack, Deuce' I had no idea what I said was wrong until he looked at me and said 'A little poker?' Then I clued in.


Za tento príspevok od 3flash3 poďakovali :
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1502
Založený: Feb 2008
Poďakoval/li: 53 krát/410 krát
Karma: 48


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