Vyvoj Mien

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Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod Mayday 27 Jan 2011 15:51

imo to mas jedno z kratkodobeho hladiska (t.j. menej ako 1-2 mesiace) - trhy su tak spolitizovane, ze nemame sajnu, co ich najblizsie ovplyvni a ktorym smerom.

zo strednodobeho hladiska si nadalej myslim ze Dolar > Euro

z dlhodobeho hladiska obv dolar = euro = 0 :fish:
Príspevky: 1148
Založený: Jan 2009
Poďakoval/li: 31 krát/24 krát
Karma: 14

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod tucniak 27 Jan 2011 16:37

"In the long run we are all dead"

J.M.Keynes :)
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Príspevky: 3742
Založený: Mar 2008
Poďakoval/li: 139 krát/205 krát
Karma: 47

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod tomisumi 27 Jan 2011 16:40

A čo čínsky juan? :D Čína začína na rebríčku dôležitosti akosi stúpať...
Príspevky: 504
Založený: Feb 2009
Poďakoval/li: 15 krát/10 krát
Karma: 2

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod Mayday 27 Jan 2011 16:51

tucniak napísal:"In the long run we are all dead"

J.M.Keynes :)

jedina rozumna vec, ktoru ten uchyl kedy povedal imo :D
Príspevky: 1148
Založený: Jan 2009
Poďakoval/li: 31 krát/24 krát
Karma: 14

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod tucniak 27 Jan 2011 17:21

more or less suhlasim som skor liberalne orientovany:)
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 3742
Založený: Mar 2008
Poďakoval/li: 139 krát/205 krát
Karma: 47

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod michael163 27 Jan 2011 17:26

akurat sa ucim ekonomiu na skusku a mam to hned pod nadpisom jednej kapitoly :D inak teorie tohoto pana ani ja moc nemusim
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Založený: Jan 2010
Poďakoval/li: 63 krát/62 krát
Karma: 15

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod Mayday 27 Jan 2011 18:42

slovo "liberal" uz davno zdevastovali amici, uz davno nema nic spolocne so slobodou...podobne ako cely koncept "lavica" vs. "pravica" mi pride ako zavadzajuci double-speak, ktory odputava pozornost od imo ozajstneho politickeho spektra: centralizacia moci vs. decentralizacia (sloboda jednotlivca)

EDIT: prave som si pozrel to postnute video, perfektne to bolo :poklona:
Príspevky: 1148
Založený: Jan 2009
Poďakoval/li: 31 krát/24 krát
Karma: 14

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod ROYAL SHlT 27 Jan 2011 20:12

Video super, škoda že to nevidí viac ľudí, resp že tomu viac ľudí nerozumie.
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Založený: Dec 2009
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Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod jezman 27 Jan 2011 21:56

Mayday napísal:slovo "liberal" uz davno zdevastovali amici, uz davno nema nic spolocne so slobodou...podobne ako cely koncept "lavica" vs. "pravica" mi pride ako zavadzajuci double-speak, ktory odputava pozornost od imo ozajstneho politickeho spektra: centralizacia moci vs. decentralizacia (sloboda jednotlivca)

EDIT: prave som si pozrel to postnute video, perfektne to bolo :poklona:

:D no skoro pridal by som tam byrokraciu individualne zaujmy cisto asi teoriu elit ;) 5 rokov politologie dame debatu :D ale k vyvoju mien s tym eurom to nevyzera bohvie ako ked sa zamyslime nad tym ze situacia aka bola v irsku, grecku a madarsku sa dost nebezpecne ochvilu odohra v portugalsku , spanielsku a taliansku co bude mat obrovsky dopad na ekonomiku eu a otazna je tiez vlastne prava ekonomicka situacia nemecka a francuzska o tom sa nic nehovori... pride k tomu ze severske krajiny s podporou velkej britanie ( otazne ako sa britania zachova)budu musiet dotovat eu a zmeni sa geopolitika eu a mozno sa zruti financna politika eu :) ale to nikto nevie ci sa to stane ako sa to stane a hlavne co potom :)
Príspevky: 55
Založený: Feb 2010
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/1 krát
Karma: 2

Re: Vyvoj Mien

Odoslaťod Mayday 28 Jan 2011 11:46

hmm politolog? :) tak tu mas nieco pre zabavu/vzdelanie

The Five Stages of Chaos are five stages that every ordered society passes through (the reason for this may be that Ordered Societies are actually an abberation, and everything is brought back from Order into Chaos). The first three of these stages can be compared to the Hegelian principle of Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis. The last two are the effects of which Hegel neglected to mention, namely Parenthesis (also called Bureaucracy) and Paralysis, sometimes called Aftermath (basically a resurgence of Chaos after bureaucracy collapses in a heap of paperwork).

* 1 The Five Stages
o 1.1 Verwirrung (Chaos)
o 1.2 Zweitracht (Discord)
o 1.3 Unordnung (Confusion)
o 1.4 Beamtenherrschaft (Bureaucracy)
o 1.5 Grummet (Aftermath)

The Five StagesThe Five Stages
Verwirrung (Chaos) Verwirrung (Chaos)

The first stage of the five stages is called Verwirrung or Chaos. It is the point from which society begins, the Natural condition of humanity, and the stage to which society will return.

Chaos, then is the fundamental Thesis - or basis of life. This can be equated with the goddess Eris, and the feminine aspects of creation. Basically, the best way to understand this stage is to look at the Natural world around you.
Zweitracht (Discord)Edit Zweitracht (Discord)

The second stage of the five stages is called Zweitracht, and begins with the appearance of a ruling or governing class. This Order is the Antithesis of chaos, of course, and leads directly into discord once the servile class realizes that the ruling class does not hold their interest at heart.

This correlates with all male, monotheistic dieties, like Jehovah and the like, especially correlating with the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye. Naturally, a Zweitracht era is always replete with "internal contradictions" and someone (like Karl Marx) always arises to point them out.
Unordnung (Confusion)Edit Unordnung (Confusion)

The third stage of the five stages is called Unordnung or Confusion, and occurs when an attempt is made to restore balance or arrive at the Hegelian Synthesis. It is an attempt to restore Nature's balance through unnatural means (like modern medicine...)

This correlates with trickster-type entities, like Loki, the Devil, Mercury, Thoth, or Coyote, and other spirits of illusion or deception.
Beamtenherrschaft (Bureaucracy)Edit Beamtenherrschaft (Bureaucracy

The fourth stage of the five stages is called Beamtenherrschaft or Bureaucracy represents the Parenthesis that results when the Hegelian Synthesis does not succeed in connecting the opposites.

This correlates with the Void, and the absence of Divinity. The Tarot card associated with this stage is the Tower, which is the usual representation of the Tower of Babel.
Grummet (Aftermath)Edit Grummet (Aftermath) section

The fifth stage, Grummet or Aftermath represents a return back to Chaos. Bureaucracy chokes on it's own paperwork. Flow is restored. Life is returned. Equality is restored.

This correlates with male and female deities combined.


Príspevky: 1148
Založený: Jan 2009
Poďakoval/li: 31 krát/24 krát
Karma: 14


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