neviem ci tomu spravne rozumiem ale sa mi zda, ze si trosku odporuje co mi odpisal support na otazku o mojich bonus statusoch:
"Please bear in mind that when a player has multiple pending
bonuses, the system credits VPPs (VIP Player Points) earned
towards them in the following order:
1) Credit towards the bonus with the most VPPs earned towards
2) Credit towards the bonus that is closest to expiring
3) Credit towards the oldest uncleared bonus
Your Turbo Takedown Bonus is going to expire before your SCOOP
2011 First Deposit Bonus, so it will use the VPPs to release that
bonus first.
Unfortunately, we cannot switch the order of bonus earnings. If
you have a bonus which is about to expire and you cannot earn the
required VPPs to clear it, email
support@P**** on the day
of the bonus' expiry and we will review any potential for
extending the bonus."
Ak som spravne pochopil tak pisu, ze moj turbotakedown bonus je blizsie k expiracii tak sa zacne clearovat prvy ale v tych 3 bodoch je to az na druhom mieste a na prvom je nieco take ak dobre rozumiem, ze tam kde mam nahratych najviac VPP zatial a to je prave ten first deposit bonus. A to je trosku problem lebo tym padom mi ten TT bonus asi expiruj lebo to pri mojom objeme asi nestiham nahrat. Myslite, ze este mam skusit kontaktovat support nech mi s tym skusia daco spravit resp. este raz sa spytat preco neclearuje ten TT bonus teraz ked mi odpisali, ze by sa mal clearovat ako prvy?
Za pripadne rady dakujem