lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

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Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod DevilMayCry 27 Jún 2011 07:29

go yegon ! chceme naramok ! :gl:
momentalne 7/50 :poklona:

Chen Misreads Hand

Dragun: (X)(X) /7x 8x 3x Jx / (X)
Chen: (X)(X) /2x Ax Ax Jx / (X)

We caught up with the action on fifth where Martin Dragun bet and Tommy Chen called. The action was the same on sixth as well as on seventh until Chen came in with a raise instead of just a call. Dragun went into the tank for quite a while but eventually made the call. Chen confidently turned over his cards which were 7x 2x 5x for a jack-low. Dragun looked confused at first until the dealer announced that Chen did indeed have a jack-low. Dragun then revealed 10x 4x 7x for a ten-low which was good to win the pot. Afterwards, Chen admitted that he misread his cards and must have thought that he had something better, otherwise he might not have bet. Even with that mistake though, his raise nearly worked.
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 2111
Založený: Aug 2007
Poďakoval/li: 59 krát/107 krát
Karma: 10

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod cercerBTSSK 27 Jún 2011 08:18

este styria a Martin ITM.... ... &tid=11483

update :vitaz:
Here Comes the Money
The dealers were just asked to stop dealing after their current hand. Shortly after that, with a slew of rapid eliminations, it was announced that the players are now in the money
Príspevky: 589
Založený: Dec 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/22 krát
Karma: 0

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod x-bat 27 Jún 2011 08:37

Pojdme :Bravo: :Bravo:
Príspevky: 276
Založený: Júl 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/5 krát
Karma: 2

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod cercerBTSSK 27 Jún 2011 09:00

tak teda gratulujem Martin, hadam Ti to vydrzi v evente co najdlhsie a este dnes stihnes zdablovat... ;)

dobre nakrocenie do ME....
Príspevky: 589
Založený: Dec 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/22 krát
Karma: 0

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod tomiG 27 Jún 2011 09:39

uzasne citanie :Yahoo!: ani nejdem nic robit :Yahoo!: myslim ze sa pise svk historia v seven card razz WSOP to ze si 1svk hrac co sa dostal do itm na tomto turnaji ti uz nikto nikdy nezoberie :good: som aj velmi rad ze to mozem takto sledovat a fandit ti :D .
Príspevky: 565
Založený: Mar 2011
Poďakoval/li: 22 krát/42 krát
Karma: -3

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod cercerBTSSK 27 Jún 2011 09:46

6/27/2011 1:40:41 AM PST (about 4 minutes ago)
Dragun Doomed by Krause
Krause: (X)(X) / / (X)
Dragun: (X)(X) / / (X)

We caught up with the action on fourth where both players checked. On all remaining streets, Andreas Krause bet and Martin Dragun called with the last of the calls putting him all in. Krause turned over for the wheel and the nuts and all Dragun could do was muck as he was eliminated.

Andreas Krause 90,000 -7,000
Martin Dragun 0 -85,000

Skoda, ale aj tak super...
Príspevky: 589
Založený: Dec 2007
Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/22 krát
Karma: 0

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod DevilMayCry 27 Jún 2011 09:50

cercerBTSSK napísal:6/27/2011 1:40:41 AM PST (about 4 minutes ago)
Dragun Doomed by Krause
Krause: (X)(X) / / (X)
Dragun: (X)(X) / / (X)

We caught up with the action on fourth where both players checked. On all remaining streets, Andreas Krause bet and Martin Dragun called with the last of the calls putting him all in. Krause turned over for the wheel and the nuts and all Dragun could do was muck as he was eliminated.

Andreas Krause 90,000 -7,000
Martin Dragun 0 -85,000

Skoda, ale aj tak super...

skoda :(
ale aj tak gratz :good:
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 2111
Založený: Aug 2007
Poďakoval/li: 59 krát/107 krát
Karma: 10

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod whale034 27 Jún 2011 09:53

gratulujem, velmi pekny vysledok
:gl: v dalsich eventoch
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 205
Založený: Apr 2007
Poďakoval/li: 24 krát/3 krát
Karma: 3

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod lolofon 27 Jún 2011 10:07

velka gratulacia! :Bravo:
Príspevky: 426
Založený: Jún 2009
Poďakoval/li: 35 krát/14 krát
Karma: 5

Re: lovec velryb (teh yegon blog)

Odoslaťod tomiG 27 Jún 2011 10:11

ech no predsa... robit sa musi aj ked sa mi nechce :D krasny vysledok a velka gratulacia a :poklona: do dalsich bojov velke :gl: :gl: :gl:
Príspevky: 565
Založený: Mar 2011
Poďakoval/li: 22 krát/42 krát
Karma: -3


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