Absolute Poker
Re: Re: Bezny jev
ale bylo to vysledovany na Costa Ricu.
Navic kdyz si pak nechal poslat ten porazenej hand Hystory tak tam byly videt karty vsech hracu ip adresy a take mail. Tak se na to vsechno prislo jinak Absolute se to snazil cely zamest pod koberec.
Navic kdyz si pak nechal poslat ten porazenej hand Hystory tak tam byly videt karty vsech hracu ip adresy a take mail. Tak se na to vsechno prislo jinak Absolute se to snazil cely zamest pod koberec.
- LoLiPoP
- Príspevky: 155
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Re: Bezny jev
Navic na 2+2 forum bylo hodne debatovano ze pro hraci od Absolutu maji k dispozici takzv. Super USer Account a mohou videt karty ostatnich. Takze ted jeden z tech profiku rekl ze da k dispozici svoji hand hystory aby dokazal ze tomu tak neni.
- LoLiPoP
- Príspevky: 155
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
zmena image
vie mi niekto povedat ako sa da zmenit table view ja mam clasic ale chcel by som to zmenit na top view a nejak mi to nejde a neviem to ani najst :-[
- BananaJoe
- Príspevky: 90
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Absolute Poker
Preco mi nejde regnut sa na AP? 

- delamanche
- Príspevky: 2
- Založený: Aug 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Absolute Poker
Toto mi dnes prislo,s mojou slabou angl. som to pochopil tak,ze niekoho prichytili pri podvadzani a mne dali 11 $,right?
Dear Player,
The AbsolutePoker Poker Security Department recently concluded an investigation of tournament play and has determined that some of your opponents were in violation of our Poker Room Rules.
We will redistribute all confiscated funds among affected players according to their exposure to the offenders.
According to our calculation, you are entitled to a refund of $11 that has already been credited to your player account.
The findings of our investigation are considered sensitive information and cannot be made public. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
As always we encourage all players to be our eyes at the tables, we take all allegations of unfair play very seriously. Should you come across any suspicious play on our site please email us at pokersecurity@absolutepoker.com.
Thank you for choosing AbsolutePoker.com and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Best Regards
AbsolutePoker Poker Security Team
Dear Player,
The AbsolutePoker Poker Security Department recently concluded an investigation of tournament play and has determined that some of your opponents were in violation of our Poker Room Rules.
We will redistribute all confiscated funds among affected players according to their exposure to the offenders.
According to our calculation, you are entitled to a refund of $11 that has already been credited to your player account.
The findings of our investigation are considered sensitive information and cannot be made public. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
As always we encourage all players to be our eyes at the tables, we take all allegations of unfair play very seriously. Should you come across any suspicious play on our site please email us at pokersecurity@absolutepoker.com.
Thank you for choosing AbsolutePoker.com and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Best Regards
AbsolutePoker Poker Security Team
palo1973 - Príspevky: 5199
- Založený: Máj 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 61 krát/219 krát
- Karma: 27
Re: Absolute Poker
Presne tak, niekoho prichytili a peniaze rozdelili medzi poskodenych hracov.
- rebro
- Príspevky: 96
- Založený: Dec 2008
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Absolute Poker
Chcem sa opýtať, toto je moja prva herna, kde som sa zaregistroval, a toto mam v profile, co to je? Chvem hravat iba Freeroll, nerad by som vytahoval zo svojho účtu.
Play Money
Available: $2,000.00
In Play: $0.00
Total: $2,000.00
Play Money
Available: $2,000.00
In Play: $0.00
Total: $2,000.00
- Hahalu
- Príspevky: 5
- Založený: Máj 2009
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Absolute Poker
Automaticky tam za tebe herna vlozila 2000$ a pokud je prohrajes, musis je zatahnout ze svyho 

0x - Príspevky: 167
- Založený: Aug 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 1 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Absolute Poker
Hahalu napísal:Chcem sa opýtať, toto je moja prva herna, kde som sa zaregistroval, a toto mam v profile, co to je? Chvem hravat iba Freeroll, nerad by som vytahoval zo svojho účtu.
Play Money
Available: $2,000.00
In Play: $0.00
Total: $2,000.00
Play money nie sú reálne peniaze. Môžeš ich použiť na stoloch o play money, aby si si trochu oťukal herňu, soft, naučil sa pravidlá bez toho, aby si prišiel čo len o cent reálnych peňazí.
roche01 - Príspevky: 643
- Založený: Jan 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 7 krát/4 krát
- Karma: 1
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