cashback tourney hand

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Odoslaťod yegon 02 Sep 2007 09:51

to je fajn ze mi verite a skladate ;)

tu je prepis tej ruky so 44

** Game ID 1587910241 starting - 2007-09-01 20:18:40
** Cashback Freeroll[1138489]:Table 3 [Hold 'em] (30.00|60.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money

- yvo2121 sitting in seat 1 with $1160.00
- Bullear sitting in seat 2 with $1580.00
- algec1 sitting in seat 3 with $2085.00
- RestaSK sitting in seat 4 with $1605.00
- Maveno sitting in seat 5 with $1840.00 [Dealer]
- MatejNR sitting in seat 6 with $1135.00
- yegon sitting in seat 7 with $1440.00
- EUpoker sitting in seat 8 with $1110.00

MatejNR posted the small blind - $15.00
yegon posted the big blind - $30.00
** Dealing card to yegon: 4 of Spades, 4 of Hearts
EUpoker folded
yvo2121 folded
Bullear called - $30.00
algec1 called - $30.00
RestaSK folded
Maveno folded
MatejNR called - $30.00
yegon checked

** Dealing the flop: 7 of Hearts, King of Diamonds, 5 of Clubs
MatejNR checked
yegon checked
Bullear checked
algec1 checked

** Dealing the turn: King of Clubs
MatejNR checked
yegon checked
Bullear checked
algec1 checked

** Dealing the river: 4 of Diamonds
MatejNR checked
yegon bet - $100.00
Bullear folded
algec1 called - $100.00
MatejNR folded
yegon shows: 4 of Spades, 4 of Hearts
algec1 mucks:
yegon wins $320.00 from the main pot

End of game 1587910241

v tejto situacii ked som proti 3 hracom na riveri tak o bluff by som sa nepokusal (mozno proti jednemu ano) a stredne silnu ruku ako 5x, 7x, 66, 88 (silnejsie pary na ruke by som pred flopom raisoval) by som asi tiez len checkol, pravdepodobnost ze ma dorovna slabsia ruka je prilis mala

pre buducnost budes teda vediet ze ma nemas v takejto situacii dorovnavat ;)
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 8010
Založený: Júl 2007
Poďakoval/li: 18 krát/900 krát
Karma: 73

Re: 44

Odoslaťod algec111 02 Sep 2007 09:56

Zapsáno do deníčku.:-D
Príspevky: 370
Založený: Júl 2007
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
Karma: 0


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