Sportingbet/Paradise Poker
Re: Vlada se nebojim
ja som len sprostredkovatel a samozrejme buduci sampion :-D
- vlade
- Príspevky: 5717
- Založený: Jan 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 246 krát/175 krát
- Karma: 34
..vcera som o deviatej zaspal a prave som si pozrel oficialne vysledky :) ..gratulujem k super vysledku *THUMBS UP* dobry ;)
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
Re: ACvonMILAN OPT ale treba byt este lepsi :-D
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
Brno 1 milion
..chcem sa spytat, ci mate v sportingbet herni kvalifikacny freeroll turnaj na Brno 1 milion. Mne sa nezobrazuje, neviem preco, ani pokerliga (na poker24 som sa docital, vraj ked sa tieto dva turnaje nezobrazuju, treba odinstalovat, stiahnut a znova nainstalovat). To nefungovalo (aj s vycistenim registrov), tak som skusil preinstalovat win, nanovo stiahnut hernu a stale to tam nemam, tak mi odpisali, ze jedine co mi mozu poradit je obratit sa na support, lenze ani slovensky ani cesky neberu telefon, len tam vyhrava hudbicka a prevolal som uz kopec minut.O to ani tak nejde, len vyslovene neznasam, ked sa niekde dovolam, zacne bezat cas, bezi aj 5 minut a nikto nedviha uz len s principu. Neviem ci to neni nieco so softom, spominam si, ze nedavno ked sme mali ten freeroll na poker heaven, tak niektory ho zobrazeny mali a iny zas nie.
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
Re: Brno 1 milion
Vidim jak Pokerligu, tak i kvalifikaci na turnaj v Brne. Bude to urcite aplikaci, ale reseni Ti neporadim pokud jsi uz preinstalaci zkousel... Kamarad je na tom uplne stejne jako Ty.
Pokerligu tento mesic nehraji, to je neskutecne kolik sil mi to vzalo v kvetnu, ale tu kvaldicku teda zkusim, i kdyz asi hodne agresivne :-D
Pokerligu tento mesic nehraji, to je neskutecne kolik sil mi to vzalo v kvetnu, ale tu kvaldicku teda zkusim, i kdyz asi hodne agresivne :-D
acvonmilan - Príspevky: 1537
- Založený: Jan 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/0 krát
- Karma: 0
Re: Re: Brno 1 milion
ja to prave riesim cez live support, tiez som si chcel tu kvaldu skusit, nechapem to..hmTo je vazne chore, aby to jeden v ponuke mal a druhy nie.Sportingbet normalne nehravam, ale kvoli tomu som tam hral vcera pocas klobasky raked hands.Prave mi odpisala ze : you can't see the brno tournmanet beacasue it is only available for Fortune Poker players
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
Re: Re: Re: Brno 1 milion
teraz mi pise, ze mam vymazat cookies a temporary files, tak som jej odpisal, ze som preinstaloval cely WIN, som zvedavy co mi povie
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
a takto to pokracovalo
1117496: i called also on czech and slovak support, but nothing happened, nobody pick up the
Najla: one moment please
1117496: ok
Najla: would you like to join this tournament?
1117496: you I would like to join that
Najla: ok, you have now been manually registered
1117496: thank you so much ! Have a nice da, bye !
Najla: the start time is at 7:30 GMT
1117496: not 7.00 gmt ?
Najla: no, it's at 7:30
1117496: I want not play pokerliga tournament, but Brno 1 milion tournament
Najla: this is for pokerliga
1117496: ..I dont wont play pokerliga tournament, but Brno 1 milion tournament
1117496: I would like to play Brno 1 milion tournament
Najla: i am afraid you can't play brno as it is only available for Fortune Poker players
1117496: what does it means "fortune poker players" ..I know, there is needed to play 10 raked hands 48 hours ago, but yesterday I played several of raked hands
Najla: you have to have a fortune poker account to play the brno
Najla: thats what i mean
1117496: how can I be to be fortune poker player ?
Najla: no
1117496: what I have to do to be fortune poker player
Najla: you have a paraide poker account
Najla: paradise*
1117496: how can I create the paradise poker account ?..I have only sportingbet account
Najla: you have one already
Najla: they are the same
Najla: paradise and sporting bet
Najla: do you understand me now?
Najla: anything you needed explaining?
1117496: so where is the problem ?..sorry, but I still dont understand :)
1117496: I would like to be fortune poker player
Najla: you cant play brno tournament
Najla: it is for some players only
Najla: there are different sites
Najla: only players from fortune poker
Najla: paradise and fortune are different sites
1117496: ok, but my friend is not registered on fortune
Najla: we dont know as we havent spoken with your friend
Najla: we can only help you
Najla: anything else i can help you with?
1117496: No thanks alot, have a nice day
Najla: Thank you for your query; if we can be of further assistance please don´t hesitate in contacting us.
Najla: one moment please
1117496: ok
Najla: would you like to join this tournament?
1117496: you I would like to join that
Najla: ok, you have now been manually registered
1117496: thank you so much ! Have a nice da, bye !
Najla: the start time is at 7:30 GMT
1117496: not 7.00 gmt ?
Najla: no, it's at 7:30
1117496: I want not play pokerliga tournament, but Brno 1 milion tournament
Najla: this is for pokerliga
1117496: ..I dont wont play pokerliga tournament, but Brno 1 milion tournament
1117496: I would like to play Brno 1 milion tournament
Najla: i am afraid you can't play brno as it is only available for Fortune Poker players
1117496: what does it means "fortune poker players" ..I know, there is needed to play 10 raked hands 48 hours ago, but yesterday I played several of raked hands
Najla: you have to have a fortune poker account to play the brno
Najla: thats what i mean
1117496: how can I be to be fortune poker player ?
Najla: no
1117496: what I have to do to be fortune poker player
Najla: you have a paraide poker account
Najla: paradise*
1117496: how can I create the paradise poker account ?..I have only sportingbet account
Najla: you have one already
Najla: they are the same
Najla: paradise and sporting bet
Najla: do you understand me now?
Najla: anything you needed explaining?
1117496: so where is the problem ?..sorry, but I still dont understand :)
1117496: I would like to be fortune poker player
Najla: you cant play brno tournament
Najla: it is for some players only
Najla: there are different sites
Najla: only players from fortune poker
Najla: paradise and fortune are different sites
1117496: ok, but my friend is not registered on fortune
Najla: we dont know as we havent spoken with your friend
Najla: we can only help you
Najla: anything else i can help you with?
1117496: No thanks alot, have a nice day
Najla: Thank you for your query; if we can be of further assistance please don´t hesitate in contacting us.
keso26 - Príspevky: 4853
- Založený: Mar 2007
- Poďakoval/li: 58 krát/90 krát
- Karma: 26
Kto je prítomný
Používatelia prezerajúci si toto fórum: Žiadny registrovaný používateľ a 2 hostí.