ZelTZN aka NLHE Soldier

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Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 23 Júl 2012 18:35

Well,celkom to ide. Snažím sa hrať čo najviac,aby som mal safe BR. Asi to už dotiahnem na NL10,dokým nevyclearujem bonus (last 724VIP). Takýmto tempom odídem z doxxu s fajn BR,ktorý by som už nemusel bustnúť :lol2: Plánujem prejsť na Pa***Poker.es, kde chcem min. zdablovať BR a najneskôr v septembri prejsť na NL50 s megasolid BR.
ide to.png
ide to.png (59.52 ) Zobrazená 3821 krát
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Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod sudden 24 Júl 2012 01:42

Na party.es bude dost biedny traffic, neviem ci si to uz checkoval.
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Založený: Máj 2008
Poďakoval/li: 196 krát/165 krát
Karma: 25

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 24 Júl 2012 03:03

Well, dnešná nočná session bola ako vždy plná rýb. na NL10 to šlo zo začiatku celkom fajn, potom som fine callol 3bet s AA fishka cold4b shipla 77,reg call QQ samozrejme som "nevytočil",ale čert to ber. Potom ďaľší small suckout za 50bb, nebol už nejaký traffic na NL10,tak som si zapol NL20, plné fish ako inak. Akonáhle som zapol NL20, nastalo TO :lol2: totalne ma vsetko missovalo,kazdy 3bet vs fish som missol a na cb som dostal call a na turne x-f,proste nocna mora :D kazdopadne nocna sesssion mohla dopadnut mega-ubersuperninja skvele... gn

@sudden: este som to necekoval,mrknem sa na to,dik za info ! :)
NAPICU.png (51.9 ) Zobrazená 3738 krát
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Príspevky: 1480
Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 28 Júl 2012 18:29

Weeeeeeeee. Beatol som elite four bez Artucina a Moltena (legendárni pokémoni) a aj rivala :lol2:
Už asi 3 dni som nehral poriadne, relaxoval som, snažil som sa nehrať poker a robiť niečo iné, no teraz,keď som prešiel pokemon fire red si idem dať nejakú sick sešn
weeeee.png (295.05 ) Zobrazená 3585 krát
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1480
Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod theproksa 29 Júl 2012 20:01

Cauko, kde si si stiahol pokemonov?
Cistu nostalgiu som dostal ked som to videl, tak daj nejake tipy na akukolvek verziu :) Dik a keep crushin
Príspevky: 80
Založený: Aug 2011
Poďakoval/li: 0 krát/2 krát
Karma: 0

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 29 Júl 2012 21:31

Myslim,ze to bolo z ulozto.sk tam mas taky pack, kde mas vela verzii (gold,blue,fire red,sapphire atd)
Ja som totalne zufaly,kedze mam monitor stale v oprave a ziadne hry mi nejdu na PC :D
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1480
Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 05 Aug 2012 14:00

dnes som si stiahol Aviru,spustil som Luke Filewalkera,ktory nasiel 3 detections,16 warnings a 3 hidden objects. nepaci sa mi to nejako,kolko mavate vy,ked scanujete? Ako velmi to je zle?
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1480
Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod haman 05 Aug 2012 16:45

Zeltzn napísal:dnes som si stiahol Aviru,spustil som Luke Filewalkera,ktory nasiel 3 detections,16 warnings a 3 hidden objects. nepaci sa mi to nejako,kolko mavate vy,ked scanujete? Ako velmi to je zle?

vsak napis konkretne co naslo a nie pocty...
Príspevky: 2068
Založený: Apr 2010
Poďakoval/li: 853 krát/189 krát
Karma: 25

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod Zeltzn 05 Aug 2012 17:19

Som dosť laik,čo sa týka týchto vecí,takže neviem presne,čo myslíš. V spoileri je report.
Avira Antivirus Premium 2012
Report file date: 5. augusta 2012 13:59

Scanning for 4059383 virus strains and unwanted programs.

The program is running as a fully functional evaluation version.
Online services are available.

Licensee : Martin Martin
Serial number : 2222270671-PEPWE-0000001
Platform : Windows 7 Home Premium
Windows version : (Service Pack 1) [6.1.7601]
Boot mode : Normally booted
Username : SYSTEM
Computer name : PC-PC

Version information:
BUILD.DAT : 42650 Bytes 23. 5. 2012 18:03:00
AVSCAN.EXE : 466896 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:34
AVSCAN.DLL : 54736 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:34
LUKE.DLL : 68304 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:57
AVSCPLR.DLL : 97032 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:35:29
AVREG.DLL : 232200 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:35:28
VBASE000.VDF : 19875328 Bytes 6. 11. 2009 11:32:51
VBASE001.VDF : 13342208 Bytes 14. 12. 2010 11:33:13
VBASE002.VDF : 14374912 Bytes 20. 12. 2011 11:33:37
VBASE003.VDF : 4472832 Bytes 1. 2. 2012 11:33:44
VBASE004.VDF : 4329472 Bytes 28. 3. 2012 11:33:52
VBASE005.VDF : 4034048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:58
VBASE006.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:58
VBASE007.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:58
VBASE008.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:59
VBASE009.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:59
VBASE010.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:59
VBASE011.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:59
VBASE012.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:59
VBASE013.VDF : 2048 Bytes 29. 6. 2012 11:33:59
VBASE014.VDF : 2554880 Bytes 30. 7. 2012 11:34:03
VBASE015.VDF : 556032 Bytes 31. 7. 2012 11:34:04
VBASE016.VDF : 171008 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE017.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE018.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE019.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE020.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE021.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE022.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE023.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE024.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE025.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE026.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE027.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE028.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE029.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE030.VDF : 2048 Bytes 2. 8. 2012 11:34:05
VBASE031.VDF : 122368 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:06
Engine version :
AEVDF.DLL : 102772 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:14
AESCRIPT.DLL : 455033 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:14
AESCN.DLL : 131444 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:13
AESBX.DLL : 606578 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:14
AERDL.DLL : 639348 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:13
AEPACK.DLL : 807287 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:12
AEOFFICE.DLL : 201083 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:12
AEHEUR.DLL : 5112182 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:11
AEHELP.DLL : 258422 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:08
AEGEN.DLL : 434548 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:07
AEEXP.DLL : 86387 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:14
AEEMU.DLL : 393587 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:07
AECORE.DLL : 201078 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:07
AEBB.DLL : 53618 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:06
AVWINLL.DLL : 27344 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:31:46
AVPREF.DLL : 51920 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:34
AVREP.DLL : 179208 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:35:29
AVARKT.DLL : 211408 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:24
AVEVTLOG.DLL : 169168 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:26
SQLITE3.DLL : 398288 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:35:11
AVSMTP.DLL : 63952 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:34:36
NETNT.DLL : 17104 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:35:01
RCIMAGE.DLL : 4493520 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:31:48
RCTEXT.DLL : 96208 Bytes 5. 8. 2012 11:31:48

Configuration settings for the scan:
Jobname.............................: Complete system scan
Configuration file..................: C:\program files\avira\antivir desktop\sysscan.avp
Logging.............................: default
Primary action......................: Interactive
Secondary action....................: Ignore
Scan master boot sector.............: on
Scan boot sector....................: on
Boot sectors........................: C:, D:,
Process scan........................: on
Extended process scan...............: on
Scan registry.......................: on
Search for rootkits.................: on
Integrity checking of system files..: off
Scan all files......................: All files
Scan archives.......................: on
Recursion depth.....................: 20
Smart extensions....................: on
Macro heuristic.....................: on
File heuristic......................: extended

Start of the scan: 5. augusta 2012 13:59

Starting master boot sector scan:
Master boot sector HD0
[INFO] No virus was found!

Start scanning boot sectors:
Boot sector 'C:\'
[INFO] No virus was found!
Boot sector 'D:\'
[INFO] No virus was found!

Starting search for hidden objects.
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2541757676-462038214-1343931112-1000\Software\ATI\ACE\Settings\Runtime\Runtime HydraVision Caste HotKey ProcTime
[NOTE] The registry entry is invisible.
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2541757676-462038214-1343931112-1000\Software\ATI\ACE\Settings\Runtime\Runtime HydraVision Caste HotKey ProcTime
Hidden driver
[NOTE] A memory modification has been detected, which could potentially be used to hide file access attempts.

The scan of running processes will be started
Scan process 'SearchFilterHost.exe' - '27' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SearchProtocolHost.exe' - '29' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'taskhost.exe' - '53' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'FlashPlayerPlugin_11_3_300_270.exe' - '61' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'FlashPlayerPlugin_11_3_300_270.exe' - '41' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'plugin-container.exe' - '66' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'firefox.exe' - '114' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '28' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'vssvc.exe' - '47' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avscan.exe' - '79' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avnotify.exe' - '111' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avnotify.exe' - '111' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'TrustedInstaller.exe' - '47' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avcenter.exe' - '119' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wmpnetwk.exe' - '114' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '57' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '39' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wmiprvse.exe' - '35' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'NMIndexStoreSvr.exe' - '54' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '64' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'NMIndexingService.exe' - '46' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'iPodService.exe' - '34' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'conhost.exe' - '16' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wmiprvse.exe' - '72' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'SearchIndexer.exe' - '61' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'distnoted.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'AVWEBGRD.EXE' - '41' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avmailc.exe' - '33' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'conhost.exe' - '15' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avshadow.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'postgres.exe' - '37' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'postgres.exe' - '37' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'postgres.exe' - '37' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'postgres.exe' - '37' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'conhost.exe' - '15' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'postgres.exe' - '48' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'WLIDSvcM.exe' - '18' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'WLIDSVC.EXE' - '61' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'TeamViewer_Service.exe' - '82' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '32' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'pg_ctl.exe' - '40' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'ubd.exe' - '76' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'robotaskbaricon.exe' - '72' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Skype.exe' - '144' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'NMBgMonitor.exe' - '46' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Mikogo-Host.exe' - '44' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'daemon.exe' - '40' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avgnt.exe' - '106' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'jusched.exe' - '25' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'ICQ Service.exe' - '42' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'mDNSResponder.exe' - '36' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'CustomerService.exe' - '23' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'AvastUI.exe' - '83' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'iTunesHelper.exe' - '69' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'AppleMobileDeviceService.exe' - '62' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'avguard.exe' - '98' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'PWRISOVM.EXE' - '20' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'RaUI.exe' - '55' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'RtHDVCpl.exe' - '42' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'armsvc.exe' - '23' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'spmonitor.exe' - '49' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'taskeng.exe' - '28' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'taskhost.exe' - '51' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Explorer.EXE' - '174' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'Dwm.exe' - '35' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '63' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'sched.exe' - '43' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'spoolsv.exe' - '84' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'AvastSvc.exe' - '110' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'atieclxx.exe' - '30' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '73' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '83' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '153' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '115' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '89' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'atiesrxx.exe' - '26' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '37' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'svchost.exe' - '52' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'winlogon.exe' - '31' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'lsm.exe' - '16' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'lsass.exe' - '67' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'services.exe' - '36' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'csrss.exe' - '18' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'wininit.exe' - '26' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'csrss.exe' - '18' Module(s) have been scanned
Scan process 'smss.exe' - '2' Module(s) have been scanned

Starting to scan executable files (registry).
The registry was scanned ( '3827' files ).

Starting the file scan:

Begin scan in 'C:\'
C:\Program Files\ICQ7.5\upgrade\c32155a6e7fe29d1d10a82cd6594f912
[WARNING] Invalid end of file
C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rarnew.dat
[WARNING] Error no files to extract
[WARNING] Unsupported archive version
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Maťko\daemon tools subory na spustenie\rld-fi11.rar
[WARNING] Possible archive bomb: the maximum unpack size has been reached.
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Maťko\music\iPhone music\Sofokles_-_Antigona.rar
[WARNING] The file is password protected
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
[DETECTION] Contains virus patterns of Adware ADWARE/Adware.Gen2
[WARNING] Invalid end of file
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\World of Warcraft 2.4.3 TBC.rar
[WARNING] Possible archive bomb: the maximum unpack size has been reached.
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\Call of duty 4 modern warfare.rar\rzr-cod4.part1.rar
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\Call of duty 4 modern warfare.rar\rzr-cod4.part2.rar
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\Call of duty 4 modern warfare.rar\rzr-cod4.part4.rar
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\MS Office Pro Enterprise 2003 CZ\antiproductactivationpatchv1.3foroffice2003andxpcw2k.zip
[0] Archive type: ZIP
--> Anti-MSOPA_1-3.zip
[1] Archive type: ZIP
--> Anti-MSOPA.exe
[DETECTION] Is the TR/Agent.67481.A Trojan
--> Anti-MSOPA.exe
[DETECTION] Is the TR/Agent.5632.N Trojan
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\PRACA NA SED\2007-rar.part1.rar
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\PRACA NA SED\2007-rar.part2.rar
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\PRACA NA SED\2007-rar.part3.rar
[WARNING] Error multiple volume
Begin scan in 'D:\'

Beginning disinfection:
C:\Users\PC\Downloads\MS Office Pro Enterprise 2003 CZ\antiproductactivationpatchv1.3foroffice2003andxpcw2k.zip
[DETECTION] Is the TR/Agent.5632.N Trojan
[NOTE] The file was moved to the quarantine directory under the name '5569d043.qua'.
[DETECTION] Contains virus patterns of Adware ADWARE/Adware.Gen2
[NOTE] The file was moved to the quarantine directory under the name '4dfdffe4.qua'.

End of the scan: 5. augusta 2012 15:17
Used time: 1:17:44 Hour(s)

The scan has been done completely.

40386 Scanned directories
684532 Files were scanned
3 Viruses and/or unwanted programs were found
0 Files were classified as suspicious
0 Files were deleted
0 Viruses and unwanted programs were repaired
2 Files were moved to quarantine
0 Files were renamed
0 Files cannot be scanned
684529 Files not concerned
3963 Archives were scanned
16 Warnings
4 Notes
600062 Objects were scanned with rootkit scan
3 Hidden objects were found
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 1480
Založený: Dec 2010
Poďakoval/li: 175 krát/97 krát
Karma: 22

Re: Zeltznov blog

Odoslaťod 1886er 05 Aug 2012 18:57

ak môžem ja, tak ti napíšem čo tam vidím ;) mal si vírusy v cracku na MS office a aj v tej Pokemon hre, už ich antivir vybavil, tak by si mal byť relatívne ok. ale odporúčal by som ti pre istotu pomeniť všetky heslá a neskôr si dať trochu pozor na to, čo sťahuješ
Obrázok používateľa
Príspevky: 995
Založený: Okt 2010
Poďakoval/li: 197 krát/125 krát
Karma: 15


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