mr_kaktus napísal:martinique39 napísal:mr_kaktus napísal:no neviem neviem
The Treaty of Rome applies to the European Territories for whose external relations a Member State is responsible, unless such a territory is specifically excluded. Hence Gibraltar's inclusion in the European Union and the European Economic Area. Although Gibraltar is a separate jurisdiction from the United Kingdom, in the eyes of other Member States, the United Kingdom and Gibraltar are one and the same Member State.
snad nechces tvrdit ze aj australia a kanada je v eu
ak mas problem s anglictinou tak ti ten text prelozim - lebo inak si neviem vysvetlit tento tvoj koment. a koncim tuto debatu lebo vidim ze to nema zmysel. okrem par prazdnych fraz som od teba necital jediny normalny argument.
ja viem co to znamena ale nechapem co tym chces povedat
hlavne preto ze to co pises sa tyka medzistanych zmluv dohoda a hlavne rimskych zmluv (australia a kanada je tak islo clenom commonwealthu ako gibraltar- preto ta narazka)